Not ideologically pure.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024

  • The point Dylan makes, that I think there is truth to, is that these people don’t see the difference between the two. If they struggle to put food on the table it’s not because of rich elites hogging the resources for themselves, or for our economic system failing to provide for everyone; it’s because the immigrants are taking their jobs, women are taking over their positions in society and depriving them of the opportunities their fathers had, etc.

    Then again, I struggle to fit hatred of LGBTQ+ into this framework. So for sure there’s also more other mechanisms at play.

  • Funny. As a European political scientist, when I think of identity politics the first thing that comes to mind is nativism, right wing populists, and all those people crying out in public about outgroups who are not like themselves.

    We always had trans people. They didn’t politicize themselves - there’s not many enough of them that they could have even if they wanted to. They became politicized by a group of people who chose to identify themselves in opposition to them. The same goes for immigrants, gays, whatever. We vote less according to economy, and more according to identity.

    The only way the Republican party is allowed to exist in it’s current form is through identity politics. Women not wanting to go thorough with unwanted pregnancies is *not* identity politics. It’s more a matter of fucking survival. A bunch of conservative couch fucking male shitheads who want to limit women’s ability to decide over their own bodies on the basis of their own hypocritical set of beliefs, however, very much is about identity politics.

    And then trans people wanting to simply be allowed to live their lives in peace has also become a matter of identity politics, as their very existence has become politicized. But that’s a development driven by right wing nut jobs, not by the left who (at its best, at least) wants to focus on economic issues while guaranteeing human rights as a mattet of common sense and decency.

    Pretending that the political left are the ones pushing squishy identity politics while the right are focusing on hard economics and traditional politics is just plain wrong, and portraying it this way is yet another failure of the American media.


  • Yeah, I think you’re right, and I think that’s exactly why it’s a blind spot for me.

    On several occasions I’ve also lent an old laptop to friends when theirs broke, and all of them ended up using Linux for months no questions asked. They later went back to Windows because of the Word grammar check, but other than that it just worked for them.

    But of course, if you can’t get your drivers to work it’ll be a completely different experience.

  • A test could be to start by using Libre software on Windows.

    Switch to LibbreOffice or some other alternative instead of Word. Gimp, Inkscape, and Krita for graphical stuff. Whatever proprietary software you use, check if it exists for Linux; if not, see if you can find an alternative you’re happy with.

    For the people I know, Word is the biggest deal breaker.

  • Dumb user here. I completely disagree with this.

    I was using Ubuntu for a few years, now I’m on Fedora. I don’t really know how to do anything. For my needs it’s just very easy.

    Maybe my needs just aren’t sophisticated enough for me to encounter all those problems I’m supposed to be having. But I’ve been using it for years and my experience is that it really just works.