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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Interesting take. As if dairy cows don’t then go to slaughter to become meat. You’re feeding the problem while ignoring the end of the production line that you have a hand in upholding. Occasional anything is not the problem. But when milk is in chips, crackers, cereals, baked goods, etc. we’re getting too much of it. There’s a difference between having a single glass of milk and mass overconsumption, since we don’t solely get dairy from occasional milk, cheese, cream, etc. This is where the issues come in. The dairy industry is an issue, dairy itself is an issue, the pervasiveness of dairy in the food system is a problem, and you ignoring your part in climate change and factory farming by supporting the dairy-to-meat pipeline (not to mention disingenuously equating vegetable farming with animal agriculture) is an issue. I won’t be responding again but enjoy your milk! Your hormones, heart, and bones won’t!

  • I would argue that it is quite disingenuous to equate eating a plant with eating an animal. This makes the waters intentionally muddy, allows excuses to be made for how many animals one consumes, and does not take into account anything past the killing of the animal such as industry impact on climate, etc. This also shows some genuine misunderstanding of plants. With fungi for example, only the “fruiting bodies” are typically eaten as mycelium is often throughout healthy soil, and consuming a single mushroom does not kill the entire organism. Slaughtering a genetically engineered chicken that can’t stand up anymore is not the same impact or “killing” as eating a mushroom.

    Lastly, animals also eat vegetables, plants and grains. Are these deaths somehow not on your hands when you eat meat? Arguably this would involve even more death and killing even if we do abide by the above flawed definition.