blight [any]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2022


    1. hyperflushhyperflush one does not simply “could ask your crush to” anything
    2. We’ve already had long 1-on-1 chats multiple times but I don’t trust my vibe judgement.
    3. It’s complicated: I’ll quote myself from my previous post chain:

    Basically, we’re in the same organization. Some of our encounters have been within that, and some private (and some in that unclear middle territory that any org usually has), and I really don’t want to risk developing any common traits with the Leftist Org Sex Pest. I know others of us have already hit on them, one in a very annoying manner at that, which is why I’m even more careful. We’re both pretty active, so if they get weirded out and I’m the straw that breaks the camel’s back, I would be personally responsible for the resulting fallout.

  • Crushposting:

    Probably more delusion (in any case I think it helps to write these things down), but I have a nagging suspicion that someone also tasked a mutual with prying into me. There’s this one friend that kind of suddenly started being nice and inviting me to things, and I’m certain they’re not themselves romantically interested in me since they’re already in a happy relationship. They’re pretty close with my crush.

    One time after they got me quite drunk, among many other things and generally prying, the friend asked me about my sexual orientation, and something I half forgot about philosophy about love or relationship advice or something, and then one thing I just remember responding “even when I’m this drunk, nobody’s getting that out of me” to, so probably something private.

    They’ve also made loud compliments about me on multiple occasions.

    There was one time when my crush was singing and dancing, and the friend looked me specifically (distant, among dozens) dead in the eye, pointed at them and made a topical (however vague) joke.

    One time they invited us to a party where everyone else except me and my crush brought their SOs.

    Could be someone else entirely tasked them with prying.

    Could be they independently figured out that me and my crush seem like we like each other but are both too shy, and they are trying to act as matchmaker.

    Could be that this friend is just nice and curious, since we do indeed also have a lot in common and get along well, and I’m again reading too much into things.

  • Happy someone is finding joy in my agony haha!

    Yeah the last time I declared my love to someone, I talked to them in a public place to make sure they felt safe, and I didn’t get angry. When I got up to leave, I had planned to just instantly walk, but it was actually they who initiated a goodbye hug, which indicated that they still trusted me, so I think I passed the initial vibe check.

    Immediately afterward however, I tried really hard to rationalize their answer, which wasn’t “I don’t feel that way about you” but “I have a partner”. That still meant I had some narrow sliver of hope. – How do I know that this time I’m not rationalizing my current crush’s “leaning gay” in a similar way?

    Later, I got really depressed, because I hadn’t done my basic homework. They had relatively recently started dating one of my closer friends and I didn’t even know. I felt totally socially incompetent and every time I met them after that it reminded me not just of my bad luck, but also my undeveloped social skills. So I got really awkward around the both of them.

    Maybe I learned my lesson that time, and I’ll be better emotionally prepared now. But I feel like if there’s a concrete lesson from my previous failure, it’s not that it’ll be fine, but that I should do my homework to better understand the situation before getting courageous.

    Then at the same time, I feel dishonest if I keep keep being their friend without telling them. Eventually it will probably either spread via rumor, or I’ll let it slip accidentally. I’d like to wait and give them time to forget about the negative experience with the other member, but that might take forever, since that member is still around, if a bit more distant, luckily.

  • I just want to remind you that my posts here, while I do my utmost to keep them True and Fact-Based, are indeed cherry picked examples from my flawed love-struck memory. I’ll try to give some more complex context.

    Basically, we’re in the same organization. Some of our encounters have been within that, and some private (and some in that unclear middle territory that any org usually has), and I really don’t want to risk developing any common traits with the Leftist Org Sex Pest. I know others of us have already hit on them, one in a very annoying manner at that, which is why I’m even more careful. We’re both pretty active, so if they get weirded out and I’m the straw that breaks the camel’s back, I would be personally responsible for the resulting fallout.

  • Crushposting (now with even more overthinking!): I’m straight. I already knew they were leaning gay, but then they made the suggestion (in a group) to go to a gay bar. So I don’t know what combination of things this could mean:

    • did they somehow get the impression that I’m gay?
    • are they are looking for a gay partner there and therefore entirely uninterested in me?
    • did they simply want to join our other gay friends out?
    • did they know about my crush, and are they trying to gracefully get it through my thick skull that “I’m gay, you idiot, stop wasting your time”?
    • or was it simply a spontaneous suggestion and not aimed at me in particular?

    The last one? Ok thanks genius.