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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • The algorithms killed the platforms. They’ve become vapid, empty holes that only attract people addicted to them like junkies.

    The internet can be fun, but you’re not going to find it on the platforms. You’re only going to find fun in places where people talk to each other. And even then, if you’re thin skinned you’re going to wind up in an outrage filled circlejerk. If you loosen up and go where the algorithms don’t exist you can have a good time.

  • The show ends early, but until the final season, very very closely. I won’t spoil it but towards the end production of the show ran into some problems due to some ill advised behaviors by one of the actors, and then they kind of just tell you what happened in the book and rush through the shows ending, they covered like half a book in the final episode, the usual shitshow when a show dies prematurely.

    The books don’t end when the show does. The show is still worth watching, 100%, but I think if it had ended when syfy dropped it it would’ve ended on a high note.

  • I’m with you on most of that. But I think the problem is more fundamental: the money devalues at a rate of 2-5% a year.

    Think about it. Why wouldn’t the wealthy just hoard money? Because you can’t just hoard money. It devalues. You have to monetize other assets. So they buy real estate, with money they made from you when prices go up but your wages haven’t gone up yet. They benefit from the cantillion effect and in the process siphon wealth from the bottom. and as they accumulate non-money assets, that effect compounds because the prices go up some more. The wealth gap, all of this, it stems directly from our inflationary monetary system. Their trick is that they get to fuck with the money.

  • If you won’t clean a litter box you aren’t fit to care for an indoor cat.

    I had a cat that I adopted from some piece of shit that was bad to him. He always wanted to go outside like a lot of cats, was enamored with it when the door opened. So I let him. This was a choice I made, I knew life for an outside cat was harder but he was happier, and he was neutered so I let him go outside. I never had to change litter, he went outside every time. But it came with a price: he died early from being bit by a snake or something. I always knew it was a possibility but I knew my cat, he would’ve been miserable cooped up all the time. He was a free soul.

    So you have a choice: clean a litter box every day, without fail, even if you hate it, or let your cat go outside whenever he wants. He will get beaten up by other cats, stuck in trees, attacked by wild animals, he will not come home sometimes for 2 days, he will come home sometimes looking like he got the shit beat out of him by another cat. You have to make sure he doesn’t get picked up by the pound, that your apartments won’t flip out on you or get him picked up, and he could get run over by a car. Maybe he won’t like being outside, in which case it’s not an option, you’re cleaning a litter box. Or, if you can’t deal with either, don’t have a cat. Someone who won’t clean a litter box has no business having a cat, go shit and piss in the corner of your bedroom and leave it there and see how happy you are with that state of affairs, that’s what you do to your cat being a lazy bum.