• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • here’s a question, wouldn’t it be more impactful to encourage users to redact with a protest statement promoting fedverse first?

    assuming they’re doing a 30 day backup scheme then this becomes part of their working set going forward. messing with the data in this way especially if we can do it in volume might make it harder for LLMs to extract useful information from our noise.

    we then can then start deleting our posts as a second protest after that.


  • i just broke my own rule and posted to reddit modcoord using a burner account. will react and burn it in 24 hrs.

    my message to them was this: unfortunately human mods will be the next to go - they’ve shown their power to reddit and once this ipo happens they move from becoming a thorn in spez’ side to a risk to shareholder value that needs to be “mitigated.”

    spez wants control. control of the apis. control of the app. control over the platform . he can get there first two but then mods prevent the last. he needs control if the ad revenue is to happen so he can exit with his golden parachute. health of the communities or platforms be damned.

    i suspect at some point he’ll not only demod all of the human mods in favor of botmod + ftes but may also go the extra step to delete the mod accounts entirely – he’ll justify the killing of their handlers with some bs policy.

    this will leave mods demodded; powerless with no voice or identity - consider… how can u/newname prove they’re really u/ex-mod without revealing personal info that might doxx themselves?

    recommended they establish an alternate means of communication with their community here or on discord.

    we should also consider standing up an mod coord here so they have a place they can freely speak and plan without sock puppet spez accounts or bots courting the conversation.

  • not my drama but a friends… her mom has uncontrolled diabetes along with borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

    a couple of months ago she got and at home manicure from some shady outfit. ended up with an fungus which when asked to recount how this could have happened she kept lying and saying she didn’t know.

    she didn’t keep up with the care on it so it became infected and they needed to do surgery to remove her nail. during the surgery they discovered it had infected the bone and the tip of the finger needed to be amputated.

    they do this and send her home. my friend settles her in after surgery, went i guess to use the bathroom before leaving only to find her mom gathering her purse with keys in hand.

    as you might expect my friend was appalled and asked her where she was going. mom replies…" well your aunt asked me to drive her to the airport today "

    friend looks out the window and yes, there’s auntie “waiting on the street with her purple suitcase” 🤣

    apparently mom knew this and said nothing to aunt or my friend.

    so when you’re dealing with your drama, send thanks into the electrons that it could be much worse ☺️

  • shower thoughts… and still on my first cup of coffee to more just musing than anything …

    if storage is the concern wonder if the lemmy roadmap might one day include an option to use cloud based storage?

    azure storage at .06/gb per month is likely cheaper and more redundant than local storage - even if you factor in calls to the blob which could be lowered via caching.

    cloud storage potentially might one day lead to a option for smaller self hosters to opt into a shared blob instance where the and cost is shared.

    in this scenario security to ensure the cloud blob couldn’t be deleted would need to be thought through (maybe splitting the password among multiple admins with each having one part of the whole?) but might be one way to better encourage more self hosting for them compute side of things.