You can? I thought it deteriorates with every time that’s being done but maybe that’s just true for the methods that are economically viable.
You can? I thought it deteriorates with every time that’s being done but maybe that’s just true for the methods that are economically viable.
The problem is plastic can’t be broken down and reassembled forever. Recycling isn’t Lego. The focus should be finding ways to reuse something without altering it too much. But yeah it’s not gonna save the planet sadly.
Me neither but it’s not a good thing no matter where you live. The world is very small these days.
Oh ho ho you just wait till midterms! That’s only two years. It’s not like it’s taken them two months to make half of Project 2025 a reality.
They’re both awesome tools in general! I’ve got a custom ahk script in my autostart folder with tons of functionality like timed shutdowns, pinning windows on top, setting window transparency, filling in my email address when I type “@@” and some other stuff. You can check it out here.
And scrcpy is a great alternative to bringing a laptop if you have access to a PC but want to use your own device. At work, visiting family and so on. I posted my results mirroring a virtual second screen that I set up in the dev options here.
Stacher is pretty handy. I don’t think there are any drawbacks.
That’s interesting. Here the AfD just cut the middleman and fulfills both roles.
Ngl I think they’re kinda cute. If I see one I pick it up, put it outside and wash my hands. Only one “visit” has turned into an infestation so far but that time I had to exterminate them with poison and an air gun. It still weighs on me.
Then you’ll also love internetfuneral
That’s interesting, thanks for the input!