1: the article didn’t say they were only given sea water, just that they were given sea water. And you can live on only sea water for at least 6 days.
2: Isn’t this how they were able to tell they were malnourished?
1: the article didn’t say they were only given sea water, just that they were given sea water. And you can live on only sea water for at least 6 days.
2: Isn’t this how they were able to tell they were malnourished?
Two things: you should learn more about what the people of Gaza have been going through. What you’re describing isn’t so far off of what free Palestinians have been experiencing under siege.
I want both the people of Gaza and the hostages to be happy. Don’t you?
Second: be more skeptical of news sources and find your news from multiple sources. This whole thread is about how biased the Jerusalem Post is.
So I should trust screenshots of article headlines instead of the actual article?
Given the name of the lemmy community that this thread is posted in, is there any possibility that bias influences the opinion of credibility for the article?
Or is that kind of skepticism not welcomed?
The fact that you couldn’t even find this article at first and that now you’re taking it at face value makes it pretty clear you need to improve your news literacy.
Someone posted a screenshot of the article instead of posting the article. I tried to do my due diligence by reading the article to check its credibility but I could only see the websites homepage in the image.
I tried to use the search function to find the article but I’m on mobile and was unable to scroll the search results.
The fact that you want me to trust screenshots of article headlines but not the article says a lot.
I tried to find the article on jpost.com but I couldn’t find it. Maybe this is just a photoshopped image?
According to the polls it was the economy that motivated voters the most and dems lost voters because of high inflation during Bidens term causing voters to think it was Bidens policies causing inflation.
Republican ads specifically blamed Bidens ‘progressive radically leftist’ policies.
yup its called a public forum welcome. didn’t want people calling out your nonsense should have done it privately.
The convo was about whether or not Harris campaigned on taxing billionaires. All you did was change the subject to argue about something you repeatedly proven you don’t understand. Just like you are now proving you did not understand the topic of the convo.
do you realize her tax policy would … mitigated the loss of spending power americans have lost over the last 4 years?
Yes that was the point you have been arguing against this whole time. Thanks for finally admitting you are wrong.
Americans lost 22% of their purchasing power due to inflation.
This is controlled by the federal reserve. Not the president. Thanks for again proving you dont understand basic economics.
she could absolute on day one said 'yeah we didn’t get what we needed done economically’
How can you be so stupid that you don’t see how this would be used against her? You must be trolling. No one is that stupid.
trump didn’t (ad wise, policy wise hes far worse). she lost.
its not a voter problem when you don’t have good policies or good communication skills.
Look at how you contradict yourself. You say Trump had worse policy but he won. But claim that Harris lost because of her policy. Maybe you think Trump is a good communicator. You’re incoherent rambling sounds just like him.
You inserted yourself into a conversation I was having with someone else about how vocal Harris was about taxing billionaires to make a comment proving you don’t understand how taxes affect disposable income. Proving you don’t understand entry level economics.
She couldn’t run ads remotely similar because the brunt of the inflation was experienced under Biden’s term and the majority of Americans didn’t understand the causes so they just believe the ads.
Democrats lost because leftists didn’t vote, the economy had to recover from the pandemic under Biden, the repbublican propaganda was as strong as ever and the billionaires pulled strings to make sure they were not taxed according to the plan Harris campaigned on.
This is Econ 101. It doesn’t matter how many degrees you have if you don’t understand entry level concepts.
You keep speaking on behalf of all voters like you think you are psychically connected. lol. Inflation (which was caused by the pandemic and price gouging) and immigration are what motivated the people that voted according to the polls. Your feelings don’t matter here. Voters understanding of the causes for those problems are primarily based on the ads that republicans ran.
I’ve aced all my macro and micro economics classes. If you think you know more than an accredited college the go teach yourself the basics because you’ve already proven you don’t know what you’re talking about.
The benefits don’t end there. If you really need me to keep explaining economics to you then just go take a course. If we taxed billionaires their fair share we could afford public services like child care or health care. Income inequality is the root of many of our problems in America. Including politics because now the wealthy have enough to literally buy votes as we saw with Elon Musk.
“Reduced the Democratic edge among independents”
When tallying votes this looks like less democrat votes that previously.
Ya it’s called common sense. See our government expenses are paid with taxes so if billionaires pay less taxes the rest of us pay more so we have less money for a roof, eggs and milk.
If we tax billionaires for their fair share then we pay less taxes and have more money.
I guess common sense isn’t so common.
The polls show most voters were motivated by inflation and thought democrats were to blame. Republicans and the billionaire class convinced enough voters that increasing taxes on billionaires would make it worse.
Harris literally campaigned with a promise to tax the billionaires more.
Billionaires countered her campaign by doing things like literally buying votes.
Now people on lemmy are pretending she never promised to tax billionaires more.
2020 voter turnout was the highest it has ever been in the history of our country because of the pandemic. We weren’t going to hit those numbers again without another motivator as big as the pandemic.
Thus, fewer votes this year compared to 2020
He didn’t have enough votes before the DNC got involved.
He hasnt been able to win outside of Vermont. Even when he lost the primaries he it was because he didn’t have enough votes.
I’m not able to find multiple sources for this news so I’m going to follow your advice and be skeptical of it.