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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I come to these discussions in good faith, because I want to believe that some people are not here to spew propaganda and maybe are just bad with statistics… But somehow it always ends with “America bad” (which I don’t necessarily dispute, but I think is just lazy).

    Lets break some things down:

    • I think that per person data is important, otherwise it’s just obfuscation.
    • These forest growth numbers are great, but they don’t tell the whole picture that even with this rate of growth, China will still have less forest than the US in 30 years time.
    • ‘Nuclear plants most in production’ don’t mean much as it can take forever to finish and even then China will have less than France or US.
    • ‘Most high speed railroad’ it’s impressive, but isn’t it wasteful to build something just for boasting? The railway is highly underutilised - only 60% use (and that’s with the big skew for the major urban centres, some lines barely meet 10%).
    • To build the three gorges dam 1.3 million people were displaced, and between 70k to 230k died. China has one of the worst health and safety standards in the world. The death toll in manufacturing and construction is FOUR times higher than the global average.

    What is an acceptable death toll for you? Because China seems to have a very high tolerance. Does the end goal justify the means? You can’t get away with this high percentage of death in democratic countries from your examples, where the electorate has more power to say “no thanks”.

    Anyways, I think China is doing a lot of good steps for the environment, and it pushes other countries to compete. But saying that China is the only one that can save us, while burning 53% of the world’s coal is ridiculous.

  • Are you sure you’re a Marxist? Sound more like an American from the 50s…

    Socialism and capitalism are not mutually exclusive.

    Capitalism is an economic system where the capital owner holds the means of production and their operation for profit.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but China does have companies that operate globally and are for profit, and some of them are even privately owned.

    There are different forms of capitalism. For example: France is mainly welfare capitalism, China is state capitalism (party state capitalism to be more precise) and people would argue that USA is laissez-faire capitalism.

    There are also different types of socialism… France for example is a socialist democracy. China is totalitarian socialism.

    France is a country with a capitalist mode of production. Markets have nothing to do with the distinction between capitalist and socialist modes of production, the ownership of the means of production and thus also the class in control of the state is the defining characteristic.

    Most of the biggest industries in France, from energy to rail, are state owned.

    China is socialist. China has home ownership for personal use, but no private land ownership and ever dwindling private ownership of the means of production. Homes for the purpose of living in, ie personal property, are not a means of production, and houses for rent for the purpose of enriching the owner at the expense of the tenant, ie private property, basically don’t exist.

    Seems like you live in a dream world. 20% of home owners in China have a second (and more) home/s, and they definitely use it for profit.

    Also, leasehold of state property exist all over the globe. It’s not unique to capitalism or socialism or any other ism.

  • Sorry for my ignorance, but I think liberal means something else in my part of the world. Can you please tell me what’s your definition?

    Edit: As I thought - you guys mean Neoliberalism. Even in the links below it’s mentioned that there was a split in terms. Language matters! Liberalism - a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights and civil liberties (the opposite in the political spectrum from authoritarianism).