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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Without reading, my guess is something convoluted like sending physical mail under a certain weight or sending an email within a certain date that has already passed. Imma go read it really quick and let you know how accurate I was.

    Edit: Apparently you can just do it in the settings. But they will still do it “as necessary for transactions.” Which means they’ll probably still do it and just stretch what “necessary” means as far as they take it. Which is equally as shitty.

  • Fuck Elon Musk, but don’t discourage human curiosity and stupidity. There’s nothing humans love more than conquering an impossible task. Humanity would have never made it as far as we did without people doing stupid and crazy shit. Humanity is the kinda species that just says “fuck it, we ball” and then proceeds to just do exactly what they shouldn’t do. Shit like walking across ice sheets to new continents because why not and go to the fucking moon.

    Someone will figure it out eventually. Might take a couple hundred years (if we don’t kill ourselves first) but we’ll get there.

  • It’s just the new trend. One person starts it and has a successful video, and then everyone else follows it regardless of whether or not that was the reason for success. But I’ll take it over constantly using jump cuts every 5 seconds. That shit has been obnoxious for years. Most of the things I watch on YouTube these days are educational stuff so I don’t see either of these things that often. The only time I’m okay with the multiple angles is if they use it as like a “tangent camera” for when you know they are going off script or just expressing their opinions on what they are talking about. You know, an actual reason for two cameras instead of just “oooo look at me.”

    The YouTube trend that’s been pissing me off are the YouTubers that change the thumbnail and title an hour after it’s posted because it’s not getting enough views and then make a community post talking about how it’s the best video they ever made.

  • As much as I hate to admit this, I don’t think this will change my opinion on her. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s incredibly fucked up that they continue to give them the weapons they use to murder civilians. But I also know that pretty much every president that has been elected since Israel has existed as a country would do exactly the same. The vast majority of politicians are spineless when it comes to Israel and always will be, regardless of party affiliation. No matter who gets elected it will always be the same answer with varying degrees of severity. And even if Harris wanted to do something about it, do you really think she would say anything new until she knew for a fact she was going to win? She’d get ostracized by the majority of her own party and potentially lose a bunch of those fancy endorsements she just received.

    I’m not saying it’s right. In fact, it’s so fucked up it makes my blood boil. I’m just saying that politicians are fucking cowards and always will be.

  • It’s less about exhaustion with the genre and more about being exhausted with the f2p model. Especially with games like Overwatch where this is a new thing. The core gameplay mechanics of Overwatch are fine, minus the constant changes to larger mechanics like team composition and role changes. But as a FPS game there is nothing objectively wrong with the game from a gameplay standpoint. It’s fluid, easy to learn, and responsive. Same with games like Apex. There’s nothing objectively wrong with the gameplay. But they sacrifice server stability and game breaking issues that have been present since the game was released in favor of adding more ways to spend money. If anything these issues have gotten worse while the shop looks more complicated and predatory than Fortnite’s in its hay day.

    I know Concord isn’t the next big thing, but I think it’s worth a try. $40 is not even that much when you consider how much f2p games are charging for their skins. And I’d much rather pay $40 for a game and have minimal microtransactions than play a game for free but have to spend even more money than the game is worth just to customize the huge roster of characters these games have. And the argument “it’s just cosmetics” is such a lazy excuse when customizing your character is one of the only ways to express yourself in a game. It’s the reason why there are so many jokes about people saying the first 10 hours of a new game they bought is spent customizing their character.

    Sorry, I went on a bit of a rant and didn’t mean to. Got a little carried away. I’m not trying to say your point is wrong, just that that’s not the reason I’m exhausted with hero shooters.

  • Well if you can give me any recommendations besides games like Overwatch, Valorant, Apex Legends, and Paladins I’d be dying to know. Because I’m honestly sick of all of them. I’m genuinely curious because I’m exhausted with all the current hero shooters I’ve played. Kinda the reason I was bummed when this game was pretty mid and flopped. Everyone always talks about the market being saturated when everyone that plays these hero shooters is pissed at the developers of said shooters almost on a daily basis. I don’t think Concord was the next big thing. I’m just so sick of all the games currently out to the point I’m willing to try anything.

    Deadlock seems pretty sick though. That’s honestly the one I’m waiting for.

  • I played the beta and was kinda excited to see it released. It wasn’t the best game in the world and felt very generic in some aspects. But less than 700 concurrent players is just ridiculous. That’s less players than most of the half baked, asset swapped, copy cat games that release into early access on steam and get abandoned in less than a year. I know Concord isn’t the next big thing and has a lot of problems. But if you can tell me why games like Vigor, The Front, and Deadpoly (All on steam) have higher player counts I’d be dying to know. I know Concord got hit with the hate train, but this is just confusing. I’d rather play a generic new hero shooter over another generic early access survival crafting game.

    I think people just expect hero shooters to be F2P these days. At the same time $40 may be expensive but that would only get you 1 or 2 skins in a game like Overwatch. Not only that but Overwatch used to cost about $40 and nobody gave a shit back then because you could potentially get all the skins in the game for free if you grinded enough. Nowadays if you want all the Overwatch skins in the game you’d have to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to get them all.