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Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • My grandpa had developed the habit of falling out of his bed. The first time I was afraid that he was gonna die on the spot as I’d heard it, but it eventually became such a “regular” occurrence that I didn’t think of immediate death anymore. This particular day, he’d fallen twice. They brought him to a nearby hospital to get a check-up. I was worried sick that this time something was actually wrong, or that he might’ve broken a bone or something. Turns out he was fine! No broken bones or anything. Just one teeny tiny minor issue…

    When he was brought to the hospital, he was accidentally placed in the area with people who were brought there with covid. I hadn’t been able to see him in months because of the restrictions, and even when I did go the months prior it was always with far distance, masks and in short bursts. I did everything I had been told to do to “keep him safe”, “ease up the workload in the hospitals” and all those government campaigns and all that, only for him to die because of this (seeming) serious neglect from medical professionals.

  • In the Netherlands most far right seats were shuffled between FVD (4 to 0) and PVV (1 to 6/7). Can’t explain their final seat, but I guess it might have to do with there being more this time around? We did have a couple progressive parties gain a little (D66 +1, Volt +2), but over all right/left/far right are said to have roughly retained their size compared to last elections.

    This makes PVV the second biggest list in NL, with GL/PvdA (Green/socialist left alliance) being first at 8 seats. Thing is, while GL/PvdA is collaborating in our national politics as basically one party, they’re expected to join the European factions they’re already a part of, separating them into 2× 4 seats. They will (and have been) collaborate and align their votes in Parliament and believe such collaboration might be the way forward on a European level as well.

    Because our media loves for there to be a heated fight, this is being interpreted as a victory for both PVV and GL/PvdA depending on who you ask

  • On my Android 13 device browsers save in sd card/Android/data/com.my.browser. This folder can only be accessed on the default, hidden file manager or on a PC. Not even read-only access, but straight up nothing. At this point I just don’t bother directly downloading to my sd card anymore, I just download to internal storage and move it all to sd card/Downloads every so often

  • It does? That explains why in the video the person was able to play incomplete dumps after some tweaking. I know that on their website they recommend you create a full backup that includes multiple cartridge-specific identifiers if you want to use “online mode”. From my limited outsider perspective I’d always assumed these were required to be present for the Switch to even recognize something was in the slot, as the slot uses a seperate circuit and chip to ensure validity before passing it through to the Switch. I never thought of the possibility of them including a (currently) valid ID for you!

    Unless the developers have managed to obtain an official private key from some publisher in order to digitally sign their certificates, this thing really isn’t gonna survive long, is it? Nintendo could ban the cert (or, if it’s bogus, enforce stricter verification) and/or flag everyone using it (maybe even retroactively?). Why would they even make it have an identifier in the first place, since they already want you to provide your own and all it does is give Nintendo something to ban?

    Sorry for my rambling by the way