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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • They’re also leaving almost half the volume in bits on the ground.

    Volume of a sphere of diameter 1 = ~0.52 Volume of a cube of 1 unit = 1 Volume of a cylinder = ~0.79

    So not only are they not doing the required job. They’re wasting twice as much time and material than needed to make the job easier…

    And you could still build a pyramid with cylinders…

  • And then offered to pay for the BOM of the device acting as though that completely makes up for the mistake, ignoring the potential harm to Billets intellectual property.

    Then their apology is all butt hurt that they THOUGHT they’d offered to pay for it, but only sent the email internally, not realizing their mistake until called out again. Then whining that no one is giving them the benefit of the doubt when they’ve demonstrated lack of judgement throughout the whole ordeal.

  • Packing the courts sets a precedent the next republican can just pack it the other direction. Before we know it we have hundreds of supreme court justices.

    Any law passed by congress can be struck down by the same supreme court as an over reach to state rights. Nevermind democrats barely have a simple majority, and can’t get past a filibuster. 3 of their simple majority come from heavily red states (Brown, Manchin, and Tester) and are up for reelection next year. Almost no way they’d vote for it, meaning they’d likely not even get it passed.

    Executive order bullshit only goes for the executive branch. Not legislative or judicial. Biden could wind up impeached for over reach at worst, but have it struck down at best, just like student loans were struck down by the supreme court, which was far more closer to the executive than abortion rights.

    The supreme court is constitutionally created, and you can’t modify the constitution without a 2/3rds of congress and 3/4ths of state legislatures. Democrats barely have a majority in congress, and only 19 state legislatures.

    It really is not that simple. If people had not been abstaining because ‘both parties are the same’ and Trump had never been elected, then we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    I agree they’re not as liberal as they should be, but the people who are voting are conservative. Until more leftists start voting, the politicians will not represent them and fascists will keep getting elected with only 20% of the population voting for them.

  • As a half a pack a day smoker for most of my life, this is what all addicts say.

    You’re just in denial.

    If you can quit whenever you want then why is this worth the fight to you? Because you’re addicted.

    They help you get through the day because not having them is a stressor. Because you’re addicted.

    I haven’t had a cigarette in like 2 years and they still sound good sometimes. Because I’m addicted.