SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • started typing something in more detail, but i’ll keep it simple and say that i feel where you’re at, i ended my partnership of almost 9 years about a year ago and while its been a tough year in many ways, it was the right choice. you should always listen to that inner voice about these things, it leads to either ending a relationship that isn’t meant to be anymore (which is in everyone’s benefit long-term, even if it doesn’t feel that way), or having a frank-but-difficult discussion that leads to mending the parts of your relationship that aren’t working (though in this case it sounds like your mind is already pretty made up). best of luck to both of you at this deeply painful crossroads, i hope you both come out on the other side better for it.

  • COMPLETELY anecdotal but i’ve had much less success (solely in terms of quantity of matches) on Hinge (which forces you to list your height) vs Tinder (where I leave it unlisted), plus i’m more the stereotypical “hinge type” (sensitive softboy). it’s a thing on the apps IME but it’s some smoothbrain shit to blame individual women rather than patriarchal norms of attraction and beauty. and like yeah some of them on there are insensitive and dickish about it but that just filters someone you probably wouldn’t like? plus the apps incentivize all kinds of callous and inconsiderate shit.

    (fwiw i’m 5’6", shorter than the male average but taller than most women in the US).

  • having had some casual sex experiences recently that were like…nothing, i kinda see more how a monogamish open relationship might work OK for me. but that kinda cuts both ways: casual sex is generally unimportant to me, so it’s also not a big deal for me and a potential partner to simply not have it if that avoids unnecessary complication or hurt. also feel like i’d be open to swinging with a partner which i see as somehow different? but it’s also far from something i need, just something i’d be open to trying if my partner also wanted it.

    idk, having one promising/potentially serious prospect has really killed my desire to swipe much or try to maintain a “roster,” even though it’s brand new and far from exclusive or official in any capacity. i can’t tell if that’s my monogamous tendencies talking, or my hatred of dating apps. i swipe when im taking a shit still and will try to strike up convos with my matches here and there, but it’s more because i feel like i “should” to like…guard my heart maybe since my current thing isn’t really “real” yet? i also know she deleted her apps and said “realistically i’m not gonna keep up with them, if i go on dates it’ll be people i meet irl” which maybe means we’re both Passively Non-Exclusive but Focused on Each Other? idk she seems to have a network of queer woman friends, so probably has more irl dating opportunities than i do as a hetmasc.

    i’m surely overthinking all of this and wish i were better at going with the flow on things but oh well that is simply the SoylentSnake way, learn to love it or decide u don’t fw me! cat-vibing

  • unpacking being a pretty-to-very monogamous person but also having my longest relationship be under a pretty toxic model of monogamy. i don’t blame my ex, they were raised in a certain way that made it make sense to them and which was hard to de-internalize and they grew during our relationship but it just wasn’t enough and i have no desire to ever dip a toe back into that morass of psychic pain again. it’s an interesting dynamic figuring out what i’m comfortable with and how to be true to myself while also rejecting puritanism and the more rigidly enforced aspects of my preferred relationship style. i’ve noticed that i’ve started seeing the ability to do both monog and non-monog (on the apps and whatnot) as a light green flag/plus which idk, is just interesting to me. no big point im trying to make just kind of journaling to my computer comrades