With the demise of Omnivore I was about to roll out an alternative on my NAS. How does this compare to Wallabag?
With the demise of Omnivore I was about to roll out an alternative on my NAS. How does this compare to Wallabag?
Yeah but how do you consult those rules? How often are they updated? How do you get notified of updates?
The fact that there are no answers to these questions and therefore everyone is working with mismatching rule sets makes the whole thing useless. You can be totally well meaning and still piss off a server because somehow you don’t know what the currently acceptable magic number is.
I recently visited the states for the first time in a decade and didn’t find out until afterwards that 15% is now considered by some people to be “low”. Sorry everyone who I tipped, I shafted you without realizing it. 🤷♂️
I ❤️ Beri. Please make sure Beri has an ample supply of scritches.
As an old cat adopter I want to add one thing to this. Yes, it hurts to lose them when their time comes, but something I didn’t expect is that after the mourning I’ve always started to feel a sense of urgency to find the next old timer to rescue. I’ll remember the time and love I had from the ones before and I curse how much time was wasted while they waited in a shelter for someone to come for them. Why couldn’t I have found them sooner? They deserved so much more love and comfort, where the hell was I? Then we go out and find our new friends that have been waiting for us for so long and our family gets better again.
It’s always tough knowing that our time with them is short, but that’s true of any animal relationship. In the end we’re left with the love for them which in my experience never diminishes. We may say more tearful goodbyes when connecting with the old ones, but over time the wonderful memories and love in our lives just accumulates more and more.
I agree the responsibility (and occasional expense) of caring for older animals is not always in everyone’s capabilities, but I implore you not to avoid considering welcoming one (or more) into your life solely because of aversion to the pain that comes from losing them. The love they give outweighs it a thousandfold.
Yikes! Yeah, that’s messed up. Thanks for the info!
I’m out of the loop, what did Better Help do?
Network (1976). https://imdb.com/title/tt0074958/
Sorry, should have mentioned.
I watched this movie for the first time last year and it’s shocking how relevant it still is. Aside from the fashions, you could have told me it was made last year and I’d believe you.
her reaction of shock is genuine because she was told up until that point that it would be Nichelle who was starring in that scene and was genuinely surprised to be across from Walter Koening instead.
While she may have been told Nichols would be in the film when she signed on, she didn’t fucking “find out” when they were literally filming the actual scene, you absolute pancake. That is not even remotely how film production works.
The surprise would, at the latest, have happened the day before when Goldberg might have noticed Nichols wasn’t on the call sheet, but in reality probably far before that during the normal course of production communications. Jfc
Oho, this sounds interesting. Thanks for mentioning.
What a horrible day to have sight.
There are different unions for different trades. Stop trying to sound so smart, you keep failing.
If your organization is too big to act with integrity then maybe it’s time to downsize a bit.
Jesus… it is time to seriously re-evaluate and pare back the extensions I use. Ugh.
I just spun up Wallabag on my server the other day to replace Omnivore. Im going to take a look at this, but does anyone have experience or thoughts on how this compares? I’m not so deep into it yet that I couldn’t switch to Linkwarden if it’s better.
My main uses would be archiving articles and highlighting passages.