I have tried the Google earbuds, they work, even in the terrible condition that they’re in after 5+ years of rough use
I have tried the Google earbuds, they work, even in the terrible condition that they’re in after 5+ years of rough use
Chrome has a media thing which shows all currently playing media with controls
Thank you! Really appreciate the advice too, didn’t know that was a thing
Does anyone here know any sources to find good iOS apps? Idk where else to ask, and this seemed the most relevant.
1 minute videos aren’t put into the shorts interface, so it’s not YouTube noticing that you disabled shorts but rather some YouTuber trying to follow the algorithm using a channel they made for shorts and mistakenly (I assume) uploading a video longer than minute on it. All such videos appear as normal videos instead of as shorts.
Google is terrible though, so I understand why you would think that.
Would probably find that out before you decide on a date
You just have to buy a prepaid card through another third party
Xiaomi had that last I tried it years ago
Why is the preview for this an ad for ublock?
What? Why would they give you shit for that?
Tea has been used to flavour a dish, not in leaves form but brewed and then added to the broth, there’s a chole recipe with tea used as such
An aside here: but why is it that people from major cities aren’t considered average? In many cases major cities are major because they have a lot higher density of people leading to more development and resources.
Unpopular opinion probably, but creators should be allowed to stop creating more stories inside a particular world. It’s like the issue we had with TV shows just getting the chewing gum treatment. Some worlds should have an end. Though maybe there can be spin-offs in this case, stories unrelated to the current cast in any way.
I’m not a developer of any ends, but I would love to join you lot in getting drunk, I have some experience with computers and understand very basic terms, so there won’t be any issues here
Premium already does what you’re saying, channel membership is a separate thing
Exactly, if they price it stupidly they’ll lose paying customers (I don’t buy into the free market ideology)
Because they pay the creators from that? They’re not taking the whole thing as a cost for hosting
It’s just good sense to cover your bases by getting both