Fucking based Samwise McGee.
Fucking based Samwise McGee.
Cat Jail the best kind of jail to be in.
I’m watching someone fix the rust on their car, sexually.
Somewhere, an ad exec just stiff.
see, first you find the folder that contains the code files for the control panel, and there will be like, 5 of them, each with something like 2000 lines of code, except for one that had 15000
lines of code and I never found out why. Once you find the C++ code file for the specific subsection of the control panel, you must then find the appropriate XAML file that is matched up to this code file, and then search through it to find another dropdown box element you can copy and paste because no one actually knows how any of this works. Then you have to go into a resource file and find a very specific resource ID for your control panel string, and create a new resource ID to tie it to. Then, you must find all the relevent C++ code tying the dropdown you copied, and copy and paste all that code, but this time, modify the hooks so it gets tied to your new dropdown. Then you have to run through 2 seperate specialized compilers to compile the resource files, and if ANYTHING GOES WRONG, literally ANYTHING, the ONLY ERROR YOU GET BACK is this:
So after you run around screaming for a DAY because there is no explanation for what the fuck is going on, you give it to your coworker, who discovers that every single number in the resource file must increase by exactly 1, and if there are any holes in those numbers, everything fails completely.
Sounds like people need to pray to the Omnissah for guidance on how the code works.
Zero. However I would be interested in seeing anyone in real life. I feel like it would go do in Lemmy history.
If an attractive person wanted me to sell out my country. I have no issues with that. Having loyalty to a country that only cares about billionaires and companies is dumb.
That sounds like a program ripe for abuse.
Thankfully, that will never happen. /heavy amount of sarcasm
Khajit has many wares for sale.
Because Big Cat Toy has convinced us that buying toys for our cats is important.
Depends on which distro has the most children.
It’s drugs. That’s why the cat is so happy.
Truly a horrible place to work at it.
Both of my parents told me that several years ago. I haven’t seen them since.
No jelly of the month?
On the behalf of Lemmy. We appreciate you paying the Grinch tax.
“Steven Segal is here to crack some backs in the Adjuster.”
90 minutes of pure Segal sitting in a chair to fight, cuts to body doubles doing all the physical work, and classic Segal “what the fuck” lines.
90s Steven Segal or current Steven Segal?
Ah the classic way to say hello in Australian.
It’s going to involve the name Trump. Donny will be the head of it.