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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Problem is that requires good faith from both sides. If only one side adheres to that then the other side uses it as ammunition and inputs their politically appointed judges anyway.

    Case in point, Senator Mitch McConnell crying out in 2015 about Obama wanting to appoint someone at the end of his term, saying that he would be robbing the next president of that legacy and it would be a political appointment. And then Mitch McConnell said nothing as they appointed and Trump approved three blatantly political nominees.

    Both sides have to agree that those positions be apolitical or one side just ends up getting screwed. And of course we are not going to see that because Republicans don’t have a shred of decency left and the whole party.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    1 month ago

    Ah yes, the old “my solutions are the only ones that work” Good luck with that.

    By the way, deciding that everyone but you is a fascist is a great way to not have allies.

    spread disinformation swearing up and down that leftists do nothing but tell people not to vote (which I’ve literally NEVER seen, by the way, not that fascists care about reality.)

    Bro. Look around. There are people saying they won’t vote democrat here in this comment section, much less the whole of leftist lemmy.

    Block me, I don’t care. There’s no point in arguing with someone virtue signaling as hard as you are anyway.

    Hope you don’t mind being blocked back. I don’t have time to argue with an idealist basement dweller about some imaginary solutions that make him feel better

  • ^ Someone who sees the problem and offers no solution, just like everyone else with their position

    You can fly your pride flags all you want but you’re throwing Palestinians under the bus to protect your warmongering corporatist status quo

    There are no good guys. Only bad guys and much worse guys. Guess you want to virtue signal your way into the much worse guy so you can feel better? That’s great, but maybe when we’re lynching lgbtq folk as well as Palestinians you might consider looking in a mirror and wondering if your inaction made things worse.

    Or, more likely, you’ll complain about how doing something doesn’t matter while the actual fascists you can’t tell the difference between set their sights on another marginalized group.

    Do something or join the people who are.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    1 month ago

    One day you will get the point that the reality is that we as voters don’t make the rules.

    Yeah, you’re right. We’re boxed into this shitty ass system. Grandstanding about how shitty it is doesn’t magically create a solution.

    We vote for the least worst option and try to make progress towards a better situation in the future. It’s either that or we fall to actual fascists who would rather take the vote away.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    1 month ago

    Yeah, about 1% of the voting body. The point that conservatives don’t vote for a third party stands with a margin of error within 1%.

    Contrast that to the 8 other independent or left leaning third parties on the ballot in 2020.

    You’re trying to shut down my original point with a counter point that is both moot and also trying really hard to be made on a technicality.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    1 month ago

    Why indeed? The fact is that not enough people vote for third parties for it to matter by an order of magnitude.

    Conservatives don’t vote third party. When we do, we split our own vote in the face of a party that has their base on lock.

    Because that logic is abundantly obvious, people don’t vote third party enough to make a difference. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. And it’s so effective at actually splitting the vote that both parties have attempted running spoiler candidates in the past to do just that.

    Why doesnt everyone just vote third party? Because enough people who could are afraid that it will mean degrading democracy by handing over the reigns if it doesn’t work, thereby creating the very problem that they are afraid of.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    1 month ago

    Asserting this is obtusely ignoring the context that conservative voters have no qualms about voting for someone grossly immoral.

    There aren’t conservatives out there saying “Yeah well I was gonna vote for Trump but he supports genociding Palestinians”.

    The fact that conservatives don’t have this problem and everyone else does means that, yes, you are enabling Trump by not voting Biden. The “logic” necessarily does not work the other way around, even if you say it like some sort of clever gotcha with a complex emoji.

  • “Give me all of your money and god will cure your cancer!” obvious scam and a lie.

    “Give me all of your money and god will make your credit card debt vanish” is another thing I’ve seen mega-church types say.

    Incidentally, there’s a conjecture around Christian circles I’ve seen that says these kinds of actions are what the phrase “thou shalt not take the lord’s name in vain” actually warns against.

    Not cursing, as it has become commonly associated with, but the literal act of using the lord for vain purposes. Like saying “Give me your money and god will cure your cancer”

  • Unpopular opinion incoming:

    I don’t think we should ignore AI diagnosis just because they are wrong sometimes. The whole point of AI diagnosis is to catch things physicians don’t. No AI diagnosis comes without a physician double checking anyway.

    For that reason, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that an AI got it wrong. Suspicion was still there and physicians double checked. To me, that means this tool is working as intended.

    If the patient was insistent enough that something was wrong, they would have had them double check or would have gotten a second opinion anyway.

    Flaming the AI for not being correct is missing the point of using it in the first place.