

Moving partially to Hexbear for the emojis and larger community (I’ll still be here and using this acc)

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • from a Sino-Roman perspective africa was the second continent/world “discovered”

    Is that even the case, though? Certainly not for the Romans (to whom Africa may as well have been next door, whose early rivals were the Carthaginians, and whose writing system ultimately originated from the much more ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs).

    And the Chinese trade contacts with Africa, while originally indirect, were such that Africa was not exactly unknown to them (and Zheng He’s voyages were more about establishing direct contact/etc). Distant and mysterious, maybe (like how Rome and China saw each other for most of history) but not “undiscovered” by any means, and with continuous and ancient trade routes.

  • Honestly I support this dumpster fire (from a safe distance). AmeriKKKa is finally getting the representation it deserves- not what it needs, perhaps, but that isn’t available within this genocidal, imperialist regime. Till it is overthrown, this is the next best thing as I see it.

    As a Klanadian we’re no much better, with our parliament giving standing ovations to Nazi SS veterans. But sometimes medicine is a bitter pill to swallow, this is just the real face of the system. And if the medicine is truly puke-worthy, I suppose at least that forces change. Either that or kills the recipient, which in the case of the empire is perfectly fine by me as well.

    (I’m not an accelerationist, but in terms of merely embarassing cringe like this it works- and also, when the empire is literally in the early stages of WW3 and actively participating in industrial genocide, a whole slew of things become preferable and the opposite of accelerationism when looking at the bigger global picture)

  • Homelander would be the more accurate “capitalism,” though. Hell, even (had to look up her name) Stormfront would be the accurate “capitalism,” considering she’s a “closeted” Nazi. Supes doesn’t belong anywhere in this pic- Supes is basically the American ideal that never existed at any point within its history, nor at any point within capitalism’s history.

    Who’s “fascism,” then? I suppose that Red Skull comes to mind as the most cliche pick, yet looking him up that’s weak sauce, as he’s just Hitler’s protege. Anglo-AmeriKKKan settler-capitalism is not the student- they are the progenitors and inspirations of Hitler and fascism…

  • Ancient Greeks and Romans (as this guy clearly idealizes, considering the pfp) were dandy as fuck, tbh. Gay (or bi) as fuck, too. They liked their masculinity, and they fetishized it arguably a whole lot more than femininity, with predictable (sexual) results.

    The “ancient times” this guy so loves, never existed outside his mind- or perhaps they did, but not with the “ancient Romans/Greeks/most ancient ‘civilized’ folk.” The notions of “masculinity” he subscribes to, in fact, would probably have seen this guy derided (accurately in this case) as a “barbarian…”

    This guy’s notions of masculinity are not only inspired by, if not wholly formed from the “barbarian” asscrack of Eurasia (western and northwestern Europe, though I’d call the genuine barbarism of the west a more recent thing, a product of 500 years of unparalleled barbaric behavior, perhaps much more considering the Crusades, both northern and southern) as the ancient civilizations saw it- but they’re inspired by the rot that festered in that asscrack following Christianization, the collapse of the Roman Empire at the hands of “barbarians,” and the gradual abandonment of much of the actual merits of that time (hygiene and sanitation, for instance).

  • It really shows that finally, America is getting the leaders they deserve. Not the ones they need, but the most honest representations of all the sins of the empire come home to roost.

    Obama and Romney can speak eloquently, give a veneer of respectability, and pretend they gave a damn about the common peasantry or “human rights,” but beneath it all they’re just as terrible as Trump or Biden, and they played a role (and continue to do so) in creating and sustaining all the same problems haunting the US now.

    Obama strikes me as particularly insidious, because he- as the first black POTUS (figurehead) for the blob, oversaw the destruction of Africa’s most developed country, and its turning into a hell-on-earth with open air slave markets. He oversaw the destruction of black home ownership, and (despite his sensible misgivings) set the stage for the current events in Ukraine, as well as the “pivot to Asia,” and for whatever sympathies he appears to genuinely have had and still have for the Palestinians, ultimately he did and still does nothing about it.

    He was just a figurehead, sure- and if he’d attempted to do anything meaningful, he probably would have gotten JFKed. But he allowed himself to be the figurehead for such atrocious policies, and he played no small part in cleaning up and sustaining the facade of “liberal democracy.”

    I prefer the clearly abhorrent character of Trump, and to a lesser (but still significant) extent Biden, in comparison. It would of course be best if the US could turn itself around, but as that won’t happen- better a blatant monster, than a competent and affable person who can present a pretty picture of the monstrous empire and fool many, if you ask me. Biden, and even Obama before him, were no better than Trump- in fact in many ways they were worse, certainly in their foreign policy they were. And I suspect Biden (or whatever Democrat runs) will do a whole lot more damage- not simply to the empire, but to innocent citizens and to the entire world- than Trump would in a second term, considering that business didn’t only continue as usual when Biden took office, but accelerated towards WW3, and unlike how it was with Trump’s terrible image, Biden (or his puppetmasters, anyways- the man probably doesn’t have much sense left) has the whole west happily goosestepping in line with his atrocities. They would have done so anyways, sure- but at least they would have hemmed and hawed about it and maybe even had second thoughts if the optics were worse, if the Orange Man™ were in power.

  • Honestly, so much of the Judeo-Christian (if not just most Abrahamic) beliefs seem centered around shitting on everything that came prior, as well as other peoples’ beliefs. The Christian take on it in particular- notably the western, Latin-derived (Catholic/Protestant/etc) denominations strike me as having tendencies of being especially spiteful and mean-spirited in this regard.