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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • It’s the same thing the right does with government. It is a truism that there is all sorts of “inefficiencies” where the money is going to the wrong people for the wrong stuff.

    In both cases, it’s sort of correct and sort of wrong. Corporations, governments, and any human institution beyond a certain scale (a few hundred people), will leak wealth into places it shouldn’t. It’s an unavoidable feature of our species as best I can tell.

    It’s fine to accept it, it’s fine to be angry about it. It’s silly to blind yourself to it in some places and whinge about it in others.

  • I definitely did not claim it was braking privacy. As far as I can tell it was just querying an update server but for some reason it was doing it with such frequency (hundreds a minute for hours out of the day) that I deemed it was broken and that the OS was not managed well.

    Other people took a more suspicious view but mostly they just lost my trust that they had any business running a system on my network. If you google around you can get more nuanced takes I don’t actually know if they ever fixed it.

  • HAOS is a managed operating system, which is perfect for people who want to automate their home but don’t want to manage a Linux machine. It’s a little wild to me to see a person in this community advocating a managed OS. Like, what are we even doing here??

    I killed HAOS and set it up in docker because it was phoning home a lot. Sometimes there were hundreds of dns queries a minute to HA servers. No thanks.

  • If these people robbed the most litigious company in the video game space, I bet it works itself out. Pretty sure Nintendo lawyers have got this under control without any help from XxTwitterSlueth420xX. If there is a case, there is a case.

    Corporate fanboys prosecuting the case on social media is some of the saddest shit. Seeing this forum full of communists, anarchists and evangelical pirates get exercised to protect the sanctity of corporate intellectual property is fucking killing me.

  • It’s an interesting argument but I think it is stretching things too far. Also isn’t a little anthrocentric to assume that our relationships are unique and different than all other living things here.

    A pine tree drops needs that are so acidic few other plants can grow near it. Is it damaging the ecosystem?

    Our relationship with bovines is weird right. probably the most successful large mammals on earth. Their success is completely due to being a great machine for turning grass into human food. It’s symbiotic in a lot of ways: we clear pasture and kill predators for them, but also, we eat them. Great for the cows and us, sucks for the trees and wolves.

    Ants and aphids have a similar relationship. Great for the ants, and the aphids, not so much for the plants.

    If you want to conflate human economics with the natural world, you would have to admit that nature is the domain of the most ruthless of capitalists. Christ, the whole point of a lot of leftist thinking is that we must “rise above” our animalistic nature.

  • Pohl@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlCapitalists be like
    5 months ago

    What annoys me about this meme is that it is the same relationship that underpins all business relationships. I understand you are not happy with the state of things but showing a drawing of “capitalism” at work in nature isn’t really making the point you think you are making.

    This might as well be a pic of two guys in suits trading on a stock exchange floor with the same caption. Or add this to a caption to a pic of a lion eating a baby gazelle while its mother watches from the tree line. What point are we even trying to make here??

  • This year we deployed a CURE for sickle cell! Cured a congenital disease with gene editing. It’s hard to do and crazy expensive, but the end of suffering from this disease is actually in sight.

    The mRNA vaccine tech that got a boost from Covid is now being used to cure certain melanoma cancers. This is a potential sea change in the fight against cancer.

    More and more of our energy is coming from fully renewable sources. We are behind (way behind tbh) but humanity is actually moving the right direction at this point. We could honestly be seeing peak carbon in the next few years. The climate will change, probably already has, but we might actually survive this.

    We’ve got problems, lots of them, and some pretty nasty. But you are almost certainly better off living today than just about any time in human history.

  • Stardew Valley will probably be the game that looms largest in my kid’s nostalgia. They have both played the life out of that thing. Other things that come to mind: Minecraft, phasmaphobia, fnaf, Skyrim, duck game, BOTW, and Nidhogg 2.

    There is no guiding aesthetic driven by the technology, just whatever is available and cool.

    Re: loot boxes, there is no denying that fortnight is(was?) a huge deal in this gen of kids. I’m sure at least some kids are going to have fond memories of getting v bucks for their birthday.

  • Pohl@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlParadox how could you
    8 months ago

    Why do you care? Seriously, think about it. Shitty products in every possible category come out everyday and it doesn’t bother you. You do need these products. if they don’t meet your standards, don’t buy them and move on with your life.

    Like, you don’t need to get on line and act as thought you have been personal insulted when there is a moldy apple at the grocery store. Just leave it and keep shopping.

  • Pohl@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlSh*t Gold .
    9 months ago

    Granted I don’t exactly run in the conspicuous consumption crowd, so maybe I’m out of the loop. Cope Luwak was a thing I heard about in the late 90s but have never seen in the world, ever.

    I suppose this is one of those products that has a reputation for being expensive so rich people buy it to flex and that creates some demand. Like gold pizzas or whatever other dumb shit gaudy nouveau riche assholes are doing to get attention.

    I’m sure there are places in the world where you can forage the shits and have something unique, but I highly doubt that what makes its way to fintech bros in manhattan has any real value at all. Just a cruel gimmick.

  • Another vote for home assistant. It is not just the best FOSS option, it might just be the best option altogether.

    Some advice, think carefully about what you want to achieve with automation before you start. Take some time to draw up what you are going to do before you buy anything. Think about extensibility and don’t force yourself to lay out big money and time all at once. Will Smith (tested.com, tech pod, not Independence Day) recommends doing one room at a time and focusing on spaces that are primarily yours first.

    Things to consider: If you live with other people, it might be wise to make everything transparent. Meaning the light switches still turn the lights on and off on demand etc.

    Wi-Fi is sort of a poor solution to communicating with devices, especially ones that don’t have access to mains power all the time. Consider if you are going to deploy zigbee, z-wave, or a matter mesh. Matter, being very new would be challenging but it is clearly the future of low power wireless communication for home automation.

    Set a goal that NOTHING requires a external service or internet connection and stick to it. That might mean giving up on some types of devices but it’s YOUR house, not google’s.

    Think automation first. Phone and voice control is cool. But having things just happen the way you would want without have to do anything is even cooler. Be smart about complexity though. How would things have to change if your partner started working a different schedule for instance?

    Finally, get creative. Lots of silly problems can be solved with this technology. My favorite automation turns the damn hot glue gun off after 30min so my kids don’t start a fire if they get forgetful after a craft project.

  • All computers are named after dogs. My dogs, dogs in the family etc. the dog name should be carefully match to the computer’s role and characteristics.

    My peerlessly reliably golden retriever will almost always have a server named after him. The most powerful computer in the house is named after the monstrously large golden my parents had when I was young. My sons gaming pc is fast but perpetually broken, named after our greyhound. Laptops are named for smaller dogs, SBC devices get named after toy size dogs.

    Wi-Fi ssids should always be named after cats.

    This is the natural way of things.

  • So. If I understand this correctly it’s possible I do not)

    Your mastodon account is on a server that is federated with threads

    A threads user, your mom for instance, decides to follow your mastodon account.

    When you mother sees your cool post, she will probably have an ad in line with it.

    Is meta monetizing your content, or your mother’s attention? Is there a difference?

    Is the optimal outcome 1: your mom cannot see your cool post, or 2: your mom joins a mastodon server?

    Is 2 likely? Seems to me the real concern here is that non corporate fediverse systems are finally getting some traction and the users (us) are afraid that meta will steal all the users away. I’m not sure if defederating them from a server will make a damn bit of difference.

    Meta is going to win the fight for user numbers. Full stop.