• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Thanks, you were the only one to tell me! 07 fellow leftist.

    And If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a moment to try to start a new tradition:

    Each year on your Fediverse cake day, in response to the first person who wishes you happy cake day, you must tell the story of how you came to be here in the Fediverse. Here is mine:

    This is my first Cake Day as I started a year ago when I joined Lemmy.world and Kbin and Mastodon all at the same time. I left from Reddit after the AMA with u/spez. I knew at that point he wasn’t relenting on the third-party apps and the loss of access for me personally, but mostly for the deaf and blind community, showed me that the CEO had no intention of putting accessibility over profit. I was an Apollo user and I was looking for an alternative while also browsing Reddit - using them as a resource, as I always had - and I was seeing censorship abound. Reddit was blocking mentions of alternative sites, blocking discussion about Spez, and the subs were rising up. I used those last few months of Apollo to help with the protests (John Oliver in /pics) and watched the proletariat attack the bourgeoisie for the rights of the people.

    Then I started going full fediverse, posting Pokémon Cards on Kbin in a lovely group with three people in which I hope to return to some day when life settles. But Lemmy had the quantity and quality I was looking for. I joined .world at first because I didn’t know what was best, but switched to Midwest.social when .world blocked Hexbear. Went from pc to phone when the apps came out. Went from Memmy to Thunder because Thunder supported Hexbears stickers! And here I am, one year later!

  • What is excelling to you? They get paid more, okay, but where do we draw the line? How much compensation is too much? And who gets to determine which jobs qualify for high compensation? Some of the worst, hardest jobs I’ve ever worked were unskilled labor, my body ached after, and the pay was awful. I now have a job that requires a BA, and I don’t go home aching every day, and they pay is much better, but only because I had the money and time to devote to getting an education. I guarantee most of the people I worked with in those unskilled labor jobs do not, and they will work until their bodies break with not a retirement savings in sight.

    Let me ask you this: if you had a PhD and all the money you need to live happily, would you be angry if someone who doesn’t have a PhD was making the same amount as you?

  • When I first started my career, I was in a new town and looking for friends. I met this guy, and we started hanging out. It was cool, we had a lot in common and spent many days playing video games together and hanging out at the local stores. He told me his anxiety was so bad that he dropped out of high school, didn’t have any other friends, was still living with his parents, and couldn’t really hold down a job. We had some deep conversations about these things, trying to work through the whys and things he could do to get over them. One day, he told me that he really appreciated our friendship, and that it helped him get over some of his anxiety and basically feel worthy as a person. He eventually started hanging out with other people too, and even got a girlfriend. Eventually, he went on to get his GED (turns out it was easy, he just didn’t have the confidence to try), is going to community college, moved out of his parents, and has a job he enjoys in his field of study already. I moved away, and we don’t talk as much as we used to, but last I heard he was doing great. I don’t feel like I did much, just hanging out with a friend, but I’m glad I was a part of getting his life moving in the right direction.

  • This is the argument I keep making. They counter with “if the production cost of everything we need is so low that it’s negligible, then the corporations can’t price gouge without people revolting.” At which point I gesture broadly, like that SpongeBob meme where he shows all the things. One of the people I discuss this with literally says at times, “I bet it cost them 50 cents to make it, and yet it costs [amount],” and still subscribes to the AI will solve the problems logic. What’s the prognosis, do they have brainworms?

  • I don’t know the answer but I’ve been thinking the same thing lately. Some people I talk to think it will be the great equalizer and take us closer to post-scarcity, but I just can not see how that could work in this capitalist society. Every time I see the robot dogs, I think, “well, this is what will hunt down the dissenters one day.” It’s frightening.