NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]

  • 18 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • Tech bros genuinely believe that their glorified automated text generators and such will solve something? Talk about magical thinking.

    The times I’ve had to listen to people like this explain to others how great systemic thinkers they are and how much better they are at understanding basically everything then anyone else and these are the takes they have on “AI”… It’s both funny and pathetic.

    It also looks like these supposedly smartest of the smart don’t actually get it at all.

  • Extincion Rebellion in Finland has withdrawn from a demostration due to police violence. The libs are calling this a smart move as it draws more attention to their cause. Mainstream media however rarely reports the demos or if it does, it typically frames these as the disrubtion of traffic. Today the liberal bourge paper Helsingin Sanomat has called out for the protesters right to protest safely.

    Their next demo will start as planned tomorrow with a press release about the police violence. In the Finnish text based press release they report the police hitting people in the head, dragging them on the asfalt and other acts of physical violence. The police started forcefully removing protesters as soon as the demo started with no prewarning or commands to leave.

  • This is true. I am doing uni now with zoomers and it feels a lot safer. I am far more at ease now even though I am ancient compared to them and have a long history of being bullied. Noticed this when I did substitute teaching as well.

    They also call you out on things like putting yourself down for your work just in case, a very gen X thing. And have also informed me that dating apps aren’t really used anymore and people prefer in person connection more again, they are organizing a lot of get-togethers.

    Also drinking. I am from a generation where getting shitfaced in a concert was supposedly “fun”. Or heavy drinking in general. My kid and his friends genuinely prefer going to events sober or with light drinking, same with uni stuff. I mean they still drink, but not nearly as much. And non-drinking stuff is popular too.

    Also openness to vegan food. It’s a total non issue to make and eat vegan in an event. Go back ten years and even millenials I feel have far more brainwormy takes on “but muh meats!”.

    Edit. Now that I got going with the praise a few more things came to mind that I admire genuinely:

    Far more principled takes on politics. Even things like boycotting I have noticed they follow through long term.

    Making value based choices and sticking to them. Like buying clothes second-hand. Far less treat brained paradoxically. Often buying one good thing that will last years.

    I know people keep saying the youngest generation is always most progressive, but I disagree. I have seen my own youth and been told about my parents hippie youth and neither ever actually engaged with anything more than being libs about the things. Or knew anything.

    The kids these days are in a fundamentally different position with all the crisis and late stage capitalism. And the internet has made them aware of things in ways no generation before has been.

  • A bit tired with studying and working full time at the same time. But doing better with it than ever before with my late arrived understanding of my neurotype.

    Having conflicting feelings about the clients I have to try and help in my work when they bring forward fullblown nazi thinking, it also sometimes makes me feel a bit unsafe. Struggling a bit with that, but doing my best and hoping to nudge people towards a more material understanding of their position.

    Glad that I have a decent paycheck finally and am now able to help my also neurodivergent kid pay their rent over the summer.

    My little backyard garden tomatoes are looking amazing.