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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • What really grinds my gears - literally - is having to have two sets of sockets because America. It’s really gets annoying when you lose your 10mm socket and the other one isn’t quite right, but you can’t work out is 18/32s is close enough and then you bust a nut.

  • Im Australian as well and did a bit of number crunching the other day. I live in suburban sprawl 40 minutes from the middle of Brisbane and 40 minutes from the middle of the gold coast. Much worse if there’s traffic. No particular natural beauty to speak of. It’s an upper blue collar suburb, lots of qualified tradies, wives have a part time gig while the kids are at school.

    The median house price is 750k. There is very little variance. All houses are pretty much the same. Right now the cheapest is $650k with 10 houses under 750k (maybe 100 houses on the market right now)

    There are 3141 households in the suburb The weekly repayments on 750k is just over $1000/week on a 30 year loan

    Of those households, only 2200 households earn enough money to pay the mortgage. That’s not earn enough and live, literally earn enough just to pay it and then you cant eat, no electricity, rates etc.


    So that leaves 70% who can even just exist.

    Affordable housing is considered as being 30% of your income, (https://www.ahuri.edu.au/analysis/brief/understanding-3040-indicator-housing-affordability-stress) that’s supposed to cover rates and maintenance too, but let’s just see who can afford to pay the mortgage:

    270 homes. That’s only 8.5%. 8.5% of homes in my suburb can afford to pay the MEDIAN mortgage and live without housing stress.

    In that link above it considers that the bottom 40% of houses should not be paying more than 30% of their income. This suburb is great for that because I would suggest it’s pretty low-average as far as income goes. It’s the definition of what should be affordable housing.

    That means we need to see the median house fall to 30% of the $1250-$1499 income bracket. IE repayments at $450/week - or a median house price of $315,000

    Basically prices need to halve, or incomes need to double.

    It doesn’t make any sense how the economy hasn’t collapsed yet. I would love someone to explain to me how it all adds up, because when I try to discuss it people just shrug and say “They are worth that much and it’s not coming down” like how is anyone affording it?

  • I lost my phone the other day. That sucks. But what really sucked is when I went and got a new Sim, chucked it in one of my old shitty phones, and then activated the new Sim with my company as a replacement, those motheruckers took 4 whole days to activate my new Sim.

    It said it would only take 1-3 hours.

    I had days wasted on the line with them, I knew they didn’t transfer it correctly and they just kept saying “please wait longer”. Like. What the fuck is waiting more going to do.

    What was worse, is without access to SMS, I couldn’t port out to a new provider, couldn’t login to Facebook as backup messaging, couldn’t transfer money from my bank. Every step of the way I was fucked by 2fa and my douchebag phone company could not give a single shit.

    Fuck you amaysim.

    As soon as it came good I ported away from them within the hour. I really opened up my eyes to how much we rely on SMS communication these days for auth.