Truly awful
Truly awful
If you’re using a webpage JavaScript can see your mouse cursor and anything you type. But only if the browser has focus. So if you’re typing in another window it can’t
Minus 9 months
Turned out to live within walking distance - it’s funny how these things work out
What she was doing there she just won’t say…
I met my wife on Craigslist nearly 20 years ago 😁
It’s not difficult to turn off.
It doesn’t.
Night’s Dawn Trilogy, Peter F Hamilton. Better than his later stuff in my opinion
There are a lot of bits of my job enjoy, when I retire I shall just putter about and spend some time doing those bits and get paid less money for doing it
I’m sorry you haven’t met one (or recognised it when you did). They exist
C J Cherry - Foreigner series. Humans more advanced but only a small community stuck on an alien planet, and may not understand the natives as well as they think (and vice versa )
Murderbot is good
I suggest Becky Chambers, The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. The whole series is good but each is stand alone. There is a world and it’s in space but the stories are people scale.
I strongly second this one - they’re great
Good. Used keepass for years, also useful for storing other confidential info. Put the app & vault in one cloud storage, key file in another and you’re synced across multiple computers, add an app for your phone and you’re good to go and surely reasonable secure providing you use a long password too.
Good article- thanks