• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • The Leftovers. If I were to ever put together a top 10 list of personal favorites, this would be at the top then in a distant second I could start ranking the rest. I love how fully realized its concepts were. I love how it stuck true to its convictions right up to the end. I love the mashup of science fiction and fantasy and grief and contemporary life. I love the beautiful Max Richter score. For a show that starts pretty bleak in the first few episodes you really feel the love and warmth by the end of the series and the discovery of inner piece.

    I always like to add this caveat to anyone jumping in, the first half of season one can be tough. Episode 3 is a good taste of what the show is at its best and episode 6 is one of the best in the series and the point where most people are fully hooked.

  • Honestly it’s the social aspect. Everyone I know uses Spotify, so sharing playlists and tracks are super easy. I know there’s converters out there but I can’t be arsed to do that every time I want to send or receive a link. I’ve also got some shared playlists between friends we all contribute to. At social gathering I can turn on the party mode or whatever it’s called and let people add stuff to the queue. The big one though is I’ve got a few friends with really good taste. I can check in on them from time to time to see what they’re listening to right now. Found a lot of great stuff this way.

  • Phone wouldn’t work for me, I’ve got a strict no phone around the TV rule for myself because I’m way too tempted to just use it instead of enjoying the thing I’m watching. Also wouldn’t really want to put an Xbox controller onto my wife or step mother.

    I wish there was some kind of application you could run that would abstract all the mouse and keyboard interactions into a remote control friendly interface.

  • That’s fair. Lost had trouble because they were building the track as they went. I still loved the ride though. For me, I don’t think every question needs an answer as long as what it creates feeds into the themes of the show. Like on Lost, I wish they never explained the Smoke Monster, it just wasn’t necessary.

    With Leftovers, I’d say it’s ending is the perfect summation of the show and anything else would betray what it was going for.


    It’s a show about logic vs belief and that’s where it leaves us, do you believe Nora? What happened to the 2% ultimately doesn’t matter because the show is about how people deal with the unexplainable. There’s no satisfying answer to that mystery.

    You’re not alone in not liking the ending though. I’ve had this conversation before and it’s totally ok not to.

  • I’m a huge fan of anything Damon Lindelof has been a head writer on



    And my personal all time favorite show:

    The Leftovers

    He’s latest show Mrs. Davis is ok too but not quite as good as his previous stuff.

    Another show recommendation that I love to give because no one watched it is The English. It’s a crazy stylish western, reminds me of Coen Brothers.