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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • To be honest I actually don’t think it sounds all that bad. If it were forced military service I’d think it was terrible. But it sounds like you can just do community service instead of the military training. And it’s just one weekend a month for twelve months. Given how much we’re disconnected from our communities these days I think making sure kids engage with their communities in this way could actually be really beneficial.

    That’s just thinking about this one policy in a Vaccuum though. I know nothing about British politics so I have no clue what other awful and heinous shit this party may or may not be into.

  • It’s real hard to find a purpose when your basic needs aren’t met. And finding a purpose doesn’t need to mean working a job that pays you money. You can find purpose in so many different ways and Id argue finding purpose in something not related to monetary gain is more fulfilling than a job. If your basic needs are met by UBI you’re free to find purpose outside of the rat race.

  • MeaanBeaan@lemmy.worldtoLeftism@lemmy.worldBlack samurai 😡
    1 month ago

    I genuinely do not get why people get so angry about the color of a character’s skin in a work of historical FICTION. I dgaf about things being historical accurate in my video games. Does the guy look cool? Yup he sure do. Is the game gonna be good? It’s Ubisoft so probably not. But let’s assume that it will be for arguments sake.

    Why is it so important to you that the character not be black? Assassin’s creed as a franchise has been around for like what? Almost two decades now? And in all that time we’ve basically played as only white characters (with some exceptions). I don’t see anything wrong with increased representation in works of art or entertainment. The more representation we see in media for any minority group the less likely it will be for the kids that grow up playing these games to grow up as racist assholes. And if you belong to a minority group, seeing someone with your skin tone represented in media will make you less likely to grow up with internalized self loathing. Like you might if all you see in media is the white dude saving the day.

    At the end of the day these are works of entertainment. Their purpose isn’t historically accuracy. It’s entertainment and escapism. If we can’t escape racism in a fucking video game how tf are we supposed to prevent it in real life?

  • Well, it’s a little more complex than that. he’s the good guy in macro scale. (if you believe his own presciece. Which is admittedly dubious due to the obvious conflict of interest. But Paul shows on numerous occasions that he can indeed see the future.) everything Paul did (and by extension everything Leto II did) was to guarantee humanity’s survival as a species. Paul essentially sacrificed billions of lives across the empire in order to ensure humanity wouldn’t go extinct. That being said he is definitely not the good guy to the Fremen. He and Leto II fucked that group of people over big time.