MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Sure and I want to agree with you! As I’ve said in other comments last week, I believe our culture puts us in a position where it is much harder to get Americans to even listen vs. Places like China.

    I believe Chinese culture is more geared toward community, helping your neighbors, looking out for each other, etc. Same for many places. Not in America. We are hyper-individualist to an absurd degree. Just drive down any stretch of highway to see how selfish the average driver is. See how many crashes we have because people have no respect for others on the road. Then walk down our streets and see all of the litter, all of the dog shit that isn’t being picked up, etc. We want to be left alone and we don’t care about others at all. We are greedy, resentful, selfish, etc.

    You may say that is a product of Capitalism, but I believe there’s more to it here. Even among other capitalist countries I don’t see the amount of carelessness present in everyday life. Ex: In Japan there are norms around eating in public, taking your trash with you, giving space in public, and so on.

  • Idealistic and hopeless is OK as long as not much is at stake. Usually both parties agree on giving ever larger bags of money to the military, continuing to meddle in other nations’ business, etc. The unwritten agreement was things would stay the same here, bad but not unbearable, social progress would happen at a slow enough pace to stick, and the white cul-de-sac voters would be able to have their comfy wages / petition bourgeois lifestyles.

    That deal is over. Now abortion is gone, LGBT rights under attack, racism against non-whites is growing worse. Even the comfortable white class is starting to feel the effects of high prices, worse weather, a bungled pandemic, etc. Layoffs everywhere. No one who doesn’t already own a home can buy one. Employment more precarious than ever thanks to the 1-2 punch of AI and gig jobs… The treats aren’t flowing as freely. This is the time to act!

    And of course Democrats, like you said, aren’t going to do anything about it. I’m not supporting the party that cannot do the bare minimum to help people. They were always a capitalist party but before Trump at least they did enough to get us gay marriage and other small social consessions. Now we’re not even getting that!

    I hope they crash and burn so they can learn their lesson. Serve the people or get out of the way of people who will!

  • I’m already on the vote plane! I’m just going to skip the “main course” and choose more important things like which soda I want (local elections). It’s not like team chicken is literally hiring people to organize against Steak (third parties), nor does team chicken even want competitive primaries as we saw after the pro-genocide chicken defeated less-pro-genocide Bowman this week. I mean, those cluckers claim to want “democracy” and then insult people when the voters get to choose between more than one chicken 🐔!

    God this analogy sucks.