The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Got to play it with someone for a bit, they seemed to know where all the neat things were (iirc, the murals, scarf lengthening thingies, etc). But due to the inability to communicate more than just “dings” I couldn’t convey that I needed a quick toilet break. They were gone after I came back, which was a bit sad but I probably wouldn’t have stayed waiting either, tbh.

    It was quite okay, I recall playing it through twice, but the second round didn’t really offer much in terms of “value” over the first. Cool visuals and concept, though.

    Other somewhat similar vibing games which I somewhat relate to Journey:

    • Sable - Somewhat similar character designs, quite a bit more scifi and some dialogue. Pretty cool 3d platformer puzzle.
    • Proteus - walking-sim, graphics are those “if atari 2600 could do 3d”. Kinda cool experience, but also kinda one-and-done.

  • Last Epoch

    playing offline because that’s where all my stuff is as last I checked the online was a disaster. Other than that, it’s pretty cool ARPG. Though I have some thoughts about some “gearcheck” -type bosses. After ~180h (since beta) or whatever, I’m still thinking it’s a solid 7/10. Fairly enjoyable, but not greatest of all time by any stretch.

    Content Warning

    It’s completely stupid and I love it. Essentially wannabe-“spööktubers” take a camera and few flashlights into dark, abandoned industrial complex to film something spooky, just to gain views on “Spööktube”. Views gain you money, money buys you gear.

    The dives to the industrial complex are very short too, as you can only film so much (90s max, it seems), and the monsters are hella deadly. Either the camera gets filled or everyone is dead in minutes.

    The footage can be saved as .webm -videos to desktop, which is GREAT

  • not only the ux, some devs make it absurdly confusing to find a binary.

    I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus, but there’s this one niche app.

    their github releases at one point were YEARS out of date, they only linked to the current version in seemingly random issue reports’ comments. And the current versions were some daily build artefacts you could find in a navigation tree many clicks deep in some unrelated website. And you’d better be savvy enough to download a successfully built artefact too. And even then the downloaded .zip contained all kinds of fluff unnescessary for using the app.

    The app worked fine, sure, but actually obtaining it was fairly tricky, tbh.

  • worked fine on my android phone, using Connect.

    worked fine on firefox & linux, the file shows as .webp to me.

    Decided to investigate this a bit: when opened to new window, the image url has ?format=webp query argument, if I change that to ?format=jxl then it breaks as the server actually provides a .jxl file. At least I had to TRY to break it :P

    % file c6ca4c8c-20a2-4105-8e6c-833d8c7d3e52.*
    c6ca4c8c-20a2-4105-8e6c-833d8c7d3e52.jxl:  JPEG XL codestream
    c6ca4c8c-20a2-4105-8e6c-833d8c7d3e52.webp: RIFF (little-endian) data, Web/P image, VP8 encoding, 623x700, Scaling: [none]x[none], YUV color, decoders should clamp