• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • There’s an entire industry of pedaling them as health products. I once had a random bint on a tour notice my sore back thanks to my scoliosis and asked me about it during some downtime in the tour. After the tour was done she “tipped” me by pouring an amount of essential oil on my palm, told me to rub it on my back, and that if I buy the stuff myself it’ll cure my scoliosis.

    I walked to the break room and washed it down the drain. Shit made my hand STANK and my head hurt from the fumes.

  • I will say on the picky eating habit, that can be a common behavior seen in autistic folks. With me my picky eating stems from texture - if a food feels weird in my mouth I get nasty gag reflex or vomit. Doesn’t matter how often I try, there’s foods and ingredients that, if I chew on it, I will vomit. It fucking sucks. I have to swallow my edibles whole with water cause most gummies make me vomit if I chew them.

    Obviously not all picky eating habits are autism related, but myself and the other autistic picky eaters I know are just as frustrated, if not more, about having those habits.

    Being stuck on music though, that I can understand. Even with me having my comfort zones, it’s always an occasion worth celebrating when I find an artist or album that absolutely SLAPS me silly from how rad it is.

  • Haven’t yet had a go at updating the mobo, time and energy have both been limited, but I’ll look into this when I can and give a further reply once I have a go at it and get results.

    PSU is an EVGA 1000 watt model, the only other part of the build that isn’t brand new. Bought for a build I made in 2019, but hasn’t given me any issues whatsoever. I did forget to mention this in the post’s body, that’s my B.

    Storage was bought brand new for this build, a Samsung 2 TB SSD of sorts, exact model name escapes me. I did do some testing earlier today specifically for GPU and SSD temps, and the SSD never hit above 43 C.

  • FINALLY had a look at this.

    Admittedly, I haven’t checked the GPU temps until now, but when I read your suggestion the GPU could be overheating I figured I’d try moving it to a different PCIe slot since it’s currently JUST below the CPU’s massive heatsink. That won’t work cause the only other PCIe slot on the motherboard is right above the PSU, and there’s headers needing power, with the cables providing said power being right against the GPU where it’d possibly block the fans.

    HOWEVER, I did notice a switch labeled BIOS OC/SILENT. Just to test the waters, I flipped that and did some light testing. Time is still a touch limited here so my testing hasn’t been extensive, but I collected as much info as I could. Figured I’d be thorough, grabbed CPU, GPU, and SSD temperatures.

    Deep Rock Galactic: Before it would idle ingame during a match at around the high 60s, low 70s for CPU temps. Typically it’d blue screen the computer within 5 minutes. That was last tested maybe two, three months ago?

    Just half an hour ago after my most current testing) CPU: Averaged 61 C, recorded max of 76 C GPU: Averaged at 50 C, recorded max of 52 SSD: Averaged at 38 C, which was also its recorded max. Tested for 2 minutes in the lobby area, 10 ingame with a swarm. No crash Overall, cooler CPU temps than the last few tests I had done, without any crashing. Needs more testing for crashes, however, to be thorough.

    Helldivers 2: Before I flipped the switch, it never crashed during a match. It ran damn hot, around 70-75 C for the CPU, but never crashed ingame. However, when I’d close the game it’d blue screen after reaching Windows more often than not - Additional detail, sometimes it’d KEEP crashing after logging back in unless I hold the power button down and reset it that way.

    After flipping the switch I hopped into the game, loaded up a quick match against bots, let that run for a few minutes.

    Idling in the lobby: CPU: 72.5 C GPU: 59 C SSD: 41 C

    Ingame: CPU Averages at 71, hit a max of 83.4 while loading into the game (CPU’s never ran that hot, let alone in this game) GPU averaging around 61 degrees, max of 66 SSD averaged at 43 both idling and max ingame temp. Crashed on closing the game, couldn’t see the temp monitor in time before it crashed. Had to hold the power switch for 6 seconds cause it kept crashing while attempting a normal reboot.

    If a solution can be figured out to fix this without reinstalling the OS again, that would be ideal. I should be able to flash a Linux install to a spare flash drive and run it live off the drive to test the hardware further. I am open to using Linux, but have software I use that isn’t Linux compatible either natively nor with my efforts in making it work in Wine before.

  • Lessee…

    First phone was a red Samsung feature with a feature phone around 2009, 2010 or so.

    First computer of my own was an old IBM thing. Don’t remember the model, but it was just a simple black tower with a 16:10 monitor. 2 gigs RAM, 32gb hard drive, and a Pentium 4! It was too shit to render flashlights in HL2 Deathmatch but I played shit tons of that on it. Once it got a GPU and a 500 gig drive a while after, I clocked soooo many hours playing gmod and classic Doom on it as a kid.