LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]

  • 69 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • I’m doing pretty good! Really need to move out of my ex’s. You buying me a coffee for tomorrow was a nice pick me up. I got put back on zoloft (think I said that in the mutual aid post) and that has been really great. Makes me pretty much who I remember myself being without the depression, and I think it’ll be easier not to drink now that I’m on it. 8 months is really cool, I’m glad you’ve been able to get there. Alcohol is truly the shittiest thing I’ve ever been addicted to. Stim cravings are super hard too though. Never got addicted to any stimulants, but still get random extremely strong cravings for them even after extremely long periods of sobriety from them. So I’m glad you don’t really have a way to get it right now. I mean I like being totally broke some days because it helps me not drink.

    That job is so cool. I’m really glad you’re getting caught up on finances. It makes such a big difference in stress levels to start getting by again. I really love that for you.

    meow-hug meow-hug

  • Yeah, I’m very well versed in withdrawal and psychosis. You need to get her into a hospital. They will give her some Librium and maybe shoot her up with Ativan. Alcohol withdrawal is capable of killing, she could literally just seize out because she puts down the bottle for too long one day. I came into my outpatient place with crazy bad shakes but relatively low alcohol consumption. They called an ambulance for me immediately because of just how bad I was doing. They were worried I was going to die right there.

    She’s also probably self medicating to some degree. Getting into treatment for mental health was a game changer that made not drinking worth it.