LaBellaLotta [any]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2020

  • Counter struggle session: a lot of the best techniques of the French and their sauces have their origins in the kitchen of the feudal Italian peasant.

    The French simply lifted it and added the bourgeois decadence of butter and edible flowers. There are some undeniably French things, and they came up with a lot of the vocabulary.

    I have done no research to support this thesis but it is an opinion I hold strongly. It makes sense when you consider the trajectory of the Napoleonic era through Italy and I WILL willfully disregard any facts pointing to the contrary because of my biases that are mine and I’m allowed to have them.

    All agreement and supporting Information is welcome I will not be responding to any questions from haters OR losers.

  • “ • 10h ago If you see all politics as a power struggle between two sides, then someone who tells you you’re not giving the other side enough credit must secretly support that side beneath the surface. Like when a liberal organization like the ACLU defends Nazis’ first amendment rights.

    My response would be that I don’t trust a society that eschews the pluralistic debate step to actually end up with the right norms. If you’re on the left and worried about Nazis, you should be just as worried about McCarthyism locking your own views out of the system.

    As a wise man once said, the shape of our democracy is the issue that affects every other issue”

    IMAGINE sincere Pete posting in 2024. These people have lost the plot.