Kumikommunism [they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2020


  • Yes, Russia does not want imperialist NATO outposts on its border. The Russian government explicitly said this, and warned both NATO and Ukraine not to try it.

    The US and NATO, being the provocative aggressors that they are, poured tons of resources into establishing Ukraine as a NATO member. So then Russian invaded. It’s very simple. When you are faced with a globe-spanning warmonger that forces countries all around the world to hold its military bases, taking actions to prevent its growth is more anti-imperialist than imperialist.

    The US and NATO are also currently funding, supplying, and politically providing strategic support to a genocide to uphold a strategic regional ally in the middle east. Don’t pretend they are not the imperialists here.

  • Random pen question I’ve been thinking about: how do you respond to this? I have responded in two separate ways:

    1. No ethnostate has a right to exist. (Blah blah blah, Nazi Germany, one’s rights end where others’ begin, you get the picture)
    2. No state has the “right to exist”. States don’t really have rights, countries come and go through war or other causes. A war, or subsequent annexation, is not stopped because of some “right” of the losing country to exist.

    Both of these ended in the other person not really saying much of anything, seemingly because they didn’t have a response. Is there something better I’m missing?

  • I agree that the price isn’t wild or anything. But I am always highly skeptical about being the last person to move into a place. It’s easy for everyone else to decide they deserve to each pay less and make you pay more. And if someone is making payments on the home, it gets a bit more complicated. And with the way it’s worded and the…service…they’re requesting…