Iwishiwasntthisway [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Sometimes I wonder if there is an inflection point where the personal data becomes overwhelming to the point of useless too.

    Like, if I want everybody who has looked up an adjacent product or related product and has the disposable income to purchase my product. Well, how many people is that and how many of those people are high volume Internet users who google whatever thought comes into their head, and how many of those people are fortified behind layers of spam filters or the natural filter of advertisment fatigue?

    I assume the idea these people are jerking themselves off to is that they can get really sophicated predictive profiles of people, and this will somehow be monetizable. But I just don’t see it. Tik tok seems to be the best in the biz and it appears to be a slightly more elaborate version of “people who looked at these things you looked at also looked at these things, I bet you’d like to look at this too”

  • https://youtu.be/5eIADs7Ct-Q?si=U0yXcn6F9Yv2tjwp

    Time lapse map of the Middle East. I’m a spatial person so this is one of the easiest ways for me to understand history.

    The area from Tehran through Beruit has been one contiguous empire for most of the last 3000 years.

    The US inherited a Balkanized Middle East and West Asia and most of its geopolitical strategy is about maintaining that status quo. Even in the absence of fossil fuels this place would be a world power if left alone due to it’s location along trade routes and the natural defensibility of much of it.

    The notion of an independent cohesive Israel spanning any real space and time is an ahistorical and compensatory fantasy. Ethnorelgions were a primitive concept even in the time of King David. When you are required to ethnically cleanse every place you conquer and maintain higher birth rates in order to occupy that space your success is bound to be limited and temporary. A small blip allowed by the Bronze Age collapse and little more than that.