• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • I think you’re just a boomer soul and that’s ok. We’ve all got our vices, i have a few internet funny men that i like watching while eating cereal, sue me I guess. Fwiw i find most mainstream online culture horrible too.

    Thing is though, dad do be loving the mainstream treats. He’s just completely divorced from the cultural context they exist in, wrt online. Instead of saying copium he quotes a bigoted skit from the 80s or just takes what he reads at face value and gets really upset about it. If he was just a grillpilled grass toucher i wouldn’t be making this post, you know?

  • Thank you for the long comment! I really like point 2, that sounds about right to me. I am quite tech savvy myself, but most of my peers really aren’t.

    About memes, you’re correct in that they came along while my parents were busy having a baby, but to put it plainly, my dad is way more into social media than i am. I am a bit of an exception in that i have 0 social media presence and only scroll youtube and hexbear, but still. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that it’s not like my dad is just not interested in internet culture. It’s more that he sort of thinks he is, and to some extent prides himself on being “aware” and gets really upset if I try to tell him that his entire understanding just doesn’t really line up with reality.