IceWallowCum [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Genuine questions, I’m still a baby Marxist.

    by selling their goods and services (built with the help of China) to the US!

    … which flood american markets with cheap, quality products and drowns America’s own productive capacity, right? Isn’t that precisely how america lost its means of production? American capital is even trying to prevent this on the electric vehicle sphere.

    I understand that production and consumption are moments of a whole, so the dependence goes both ways - you can’t keep producing unless someone is buying. I also understand that all this is somewhat secondary to the problem underlying the whole thing:

    If you don’t accumulate dollars, you can’t import food and fuel

    Do the major food/fuel-producing countries have dominance over their own production and commerce? Where do their dollars go next?