Homestar440 [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • I disagree with the premise of judging his phrasing here, there’s no wording a person in Norman’s position, opposing the main stream talking points, could use that will be immune to deliberate misinterpretation. It seems to me that criticizing him for phrasing something sub-optimally or whatever is kinda ceding a lot of ground to the right, because it sets up a framing where the reason for right backlash is because leftists didn’t do a good enough job, know what I mean?

    Edit: clarity

  • they spent their time preemptively scolding fans to not be invasive, which I guess is fine…but amber made it especially weird with the quote “we’re all family here, and you’re not in it, I’m sorry” which is just a very strange sentiment given the circumstances…this was an announcement to his fans about a serious condition, and she took the time to remind people that she’s much closer to him than you…just very weird and offputting…Felix I thought was basically fine, just a bit protective.