HexcraftDirtFarmer [she/her]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2024


  • Good take - tho I don’t think the more usual “It’s about rape, manifested” read should become second fiddle to this. This read ignores intent entirely and hyper focuses on unstated premises of the society from which it comes, worth doing but not the only way to view media.

    Then again I haven’t seen Aliens in two decades. I really only remember it as mindless violence because I last saw it as a young teen. I only know the fancy read of it second hand from essays.

  • Thing is tho - so are Democrats.

    It’s one of the things I care about the most because it effects me in deeply personal ways fairly often, it costs me friends and scares the shit out of me, Obama and Biden are historic, incomparable, evils on genocidal ‘anti-immigration’ and ‘border control’ policies in the contemporary era.

    The Republicans genuinely do not compare, rhetoric aside, what they actually do is so much fucking tamer, life is so much less dangerous on average.

    I’m not saying Dems are worse than Republicans, tho perhaps some specific men are. I’m saying they’re the same creature.

    Of course they’re bi-partisan.

  • That’s the thing tho - folk art is usually interesting even when it’s shit. IP has turned movies into billion dollar ads, mass merchandising, a literal tool of war.

    Creative commons and reuse culture figures all you want, but rip that shit from the hands of the corporate state.

    Also hell I like the setting of the Dresden Files but Jim Butcher is a misogynist and self-insert dweeb who FINALLY came out the the big climax book and not only was it just as disappointing as it could only have been because there were so many damn threads to the universe that have been discarded or shredded over the years and you need dozens of writers to start sewing the tapestry back together. . . It was just the worst actual writing he’s done since the first one.

    Dresden Files for the people! Some of us will do something better with it and I can just skip the stuff that’s not at least interestingly worse.

    SCP, as someone who was real into it back when I was also a shitty 4chan kid, fell off, and started to love it again as a new crop of writers have come to the universe, is my go to example of folk art fucking rules even when it’s bad, and a lot of SCP is just awful and childish (most the 4chan shit has been rewritten or purged unless you go browsing the revision history of like SCP-420 tho. … it was just some transphobic ‘jokes’ about Bridgette, that’s the SCP)

    Lovecraft is prolly like this if you find good segments of the community, but I’ve never met a mythos fan I liked IRL and most the games just don’t scratch an itch for me. Some do, Dredge for example. Also Lovecraft himself is basically "what if a tumbler nazi poet who had some real grating “favourite word"s but people take him seriously?” and I jsut find it real hard to get passed that because I started with a collected works of Lovecraft book as my intro to it all. Everything he did has been done better, I don’t particularly credit him even when the idea was blatantly just to redo his story.

  • I want new stuff. Please.

    Also I want all IP to end, full stop. Which is a position I take literally in reaction to the overreach of existing cultural imperialism and therefor literally reactionary but I don’t care, I’m just sick of it all.

    Stop making the same shit. Stop making corporate “art”. Stop turning everything into advertisements. Give me art you cowards. Last new movie someone convinced me to see was Us, which was at least new, but it felt like someone trying to do political art in a universe where that’s never existed before and was just bafflingly bad if you try to take it on any terms other than a popcorn horror flick, which isn’t what it was supposed to be I don’t think.

    edit: And no I am not just salty Dragon’s Dogma 2 kinda sucked and if it doesn’t get an expansion like Dark Arisen for 1, to fix all the same problems in the base game Dark Arisen fixed for 1, I am also salty about that, I hate IP much more deeply than the one disappointment :p

  • I wasn’t aware Bloodlines finally got released.

    Also I replayed The MAsquerade as an adult and it does not hold up remotely, unless you are currently 13. If you are currently 13, maybe give it a try but I dunno is the era translates to new kids, prolly not.

    I do not care if this franchise gets more games.

    Edit: WAit no, the one from 2004 was Bloodlines, wasn’t there a new game they were working on like 10 years ago now? Is THIS that game they were working on 10 years ago? The already did pre-orders and everything forever ago.

    NEvermind, I’m old and confused and no longer with “it”, which is weird cause they don’t really keep changing what “it” is anymore, they just keep trying to feed me worse versions of things I liked when I was 13. I’m nearly 3x that age now. I have no interest in just about any of it.

  • Isn’t this the argument of the bad guy from the first movie? The politican guy, not Magneto who is damn near a good guy except his plan to actively exterminate non-mutated humans by forcing them to mutate or die is stupid and evil cause anyone who every says a remotely humane thing in an American movie has to bomb children to prove communism is evil or whatever. I have only seen the movies.

    Ngl - I wouldn’t want to live in the xman universe cause that kind of power is dangerous - but I don’t want to live in this one either between the guns and the billionaires. LEsser mutant powers aren’t much more extreme than just a gun, and the full blown reality bender shit of Phoenix/doctor gray isn’t that much beyond just being a billionaire.

    Anyway why you siding with the villains? And you really can’t metaphors aside your wait out of it because even without the metaphors you’re still blatantly saying “These people scare me, exterminate them”