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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • I got a couple of apps I’d recommend in a heartbeat.

    Spectdroid is a spectrogram app. Its unreasonable how often I’m using this app. I got some mild tinnitus that comes and goes and this app allows me to find out if I got some actual weird buzzing I’m the house or if it’s just in my head.

    And LocalSend is an amazing app for sending files between various devices and OSes over a local network. I no longer need to set up file shares, plug in my phone to a computer, or use cloud storage just to transfer over some files.

  • Please correct my layman understanding if I’m wring here. But isn’t everything traveling in a straight line until an external force is applied. For example the earth orbiting the sun is traveling in a straight line in a curved apacetime. Also if you jump, the moment you leave the ground until you touch it again coming back down you were traveling in a straight line.

  • It was a lot of fun for me. I did it without a virtual machine (would not generally recommend) on a older laptop I wasn’t using anyway. I wasn’t very successful in the end however. My own built kernel couldn’t produce any vga output. I tried to fix it for a handful of nights, but in the end gave up and called it good enough :P So I might comeback to it later to fully complete an installation.

    But it was good learning oppertunity. It showed that just compiling a version of the Linux kernel isn’t very complicated. It even comes with a very nice TUI to select your build options!