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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Eh, this is a thing, large companies often have internal rules and maximums about how much they can pay any given job title. For example, on our team, everyone we hire is given the role “senior full stack developer”, not because they’re particularly senior, in some cases we’re literally hiring out of college, but because it allows us to pay them better with internal company politics.

  • I don’t necessarily disagree that we may figure out AGI, and even that LLM research may help us get there, but frankly, I don’t think an LLM will actually be any part of an AGI system.

    Because fundamentally it doesn’t understand the words it’s writing. The more I play with and learn about it, the more it feels like a glorified autocomplete/autocorrect. I suspect issues like hallucination and “Waluigis” or “jailbreaks” are fundamental issues for a language model trying to complete a story, compared to an actual intelligence with a purpose.

  • Hmm… bluntly, a lot of games struggle to hit their target framerate on the Switch as is. I’m not sure there’s available overhead to implement streaming. At the very least, I’ve not heard of anything either!

    If you don’t want to buy a capture card, but have a PC, the easiest way may be to dump your games and run them on an emulator like Yuzu, so you can stream from the PC.

  • Ah yeah, there is some of that? Not totally unfounded, although my understanding is more that Angels know God is there, and always have, so they don’t have to have faith, and they don’t have the “sin nature” we do as a result of Adam and Eve eating that apple. Basically they don’t seem to have that natural selfishness we do, so their relationship with God isn’t as personal, and obedience to him comes much more easily. We are more “like God” (“made in his image”, in Genesis terms). As such, those who do follow God will “rank higher” than angels, whatever that actually looks like.

    That said… it’s a bit ridiculous to assert that they don’t have any free will, because a bunch of them rebelled against God. It wouldn’t surprise me if Catholic ideology disagrees with me here though, although I don’t think there’s much of that in the actual text of the Bible.

  • Happy to help! I like studying this stuff, and it’s fun to share it when I get the chance.

    Honestly, I suspect the “demons torture humans in hell” probably originates from their seeming to want to torture the possessed.

    Because in the biblical conception of hell, it’s very much not “demons torture humans” it’s more like a lake of fire to torture the demons, which unfortunate humans are also thrown into. There’s no organization or structure whatsoever. Also, nobody is currently there, humans are just… dead, or in purgatory/Gehenna, a sort of neutral waiting place, waiting to be raised back to life at the end, and sorted then.

    Their role biblically seems to be just… acting against God, out of spite for being kicked out, perhaps? They seem to act to tempt humans not to find/love/follow God. Not much is given as to their motivations though, the Biblical authors truly aren’t that interested in them, besides as a warning about temptation. A shame, as they’re obviously just… fascinating to learn about, but it’s not a priority for them to write about.

    They also aren’t given much credit, either. Rather than the “epic struggle of God vs Satan” we like to characterize, it’s more like… Satan and demons are permitted to roam about, but are absolutely beneath God, and can/will eventually be rounded up and thrown out very quickly. They’re characterized as accidentally playing a role in Gods plan, and given tentative leash for that reason. Satan apparently is even still allowed to visit heaven, and argues with God? See Job. Him getting locked out of heaven permanently is one of the kickoff moments of Revelation/the biblical apocalypse. Again, not much detail on this relationship, and honestly some of even this much detail is speculation.

    The modern conception of “hell” is quite interesting, as it’s mostly just imaginative fiction, likely heavily inspired by pagan cultures that merged with Christianity as it spread across the world.

  • Surprisingly, a lot of the creepy media is fairly accurate, though extreme. Demons aren’t prominent, we know they are angels who rebelled with Lucifer, and were cast out, so that would be their appearance, but in reference to possession, we basically have those that Jesus encountered and a few his apostles drove out in his name later on.

    And what we see are people behaving almost like animals, screaming, shouting, with an inhuman strength to break chains or whatever locals have tried to contain them with, and inflicting a lot of self harm. There’s a woman who would throw herself into fires, a man who had 100 demons in him (where “I am legion” comes from") who would throw himself onto rocks and off cliffs and cut himself, etc.

    The more manufactured elements are the head twisting, anything to do with pentagrams, and honestly a lot of the hostility to others. People usually steered clear, but demon possessed individuals generally did more self harm than harming others, with cases where Jesus would meet them within cities, and they weren’t surrounded by dead people or a panicking mob or anything. They also don’t “haunt” or hunt people like they do in movies, but are usually extremely obvious.

    Anyway, that’s my experience purely from biblical account, off the top of my head, I’m sure others can add more detail or examples.

  • Absolutely, I agree. Let me clarify, I don’t think all people are secretly evil or anything, or that power corrupts all, my feelings are more that positions of immense power attract a certain type. I completely believe that we can have a moral leader, who means well and does all they can, but how do you setup a system like that with longevity? How do you check and balance that kind of power in the long term, when someone takes it who does want to corrupt it, and will say anything to get their way, and has the support of the average person?

    A generation or two of prosperity doesn’t interest me if it creates all the tools and power for long lasting dystopia.

    Also, just to be crystal clear (although I don’t think you’re insinuating this either), in no way do I think communists are out for power, or ill intentioned in the slightest. I would’ve said I’m communist myself a decade ago, but after a while of watching corrupt pastors, politicians, and businessman weasel their way into incredible power, and how they’ll say one thing and do another, the more convinced I become of the need for a system that limits the power in any one place.

    Lastly, I’m not so sure about China? Do feel free to share some resources, maybe I’m exclusively hearing the bad here, but aren’t they involved in Uyghur genocide, and a country with some of the worst privacy imaginable? I’m still interested to hear about their political theory, but it doesn’t seem like a government I’d want to live in.

  • I also feel like a lot of the value of chronological is lost if I think it’s algorithmic recommendations. If I don’t know I’m browsing the latest? I’ll likely just think the algorithm is serving up some garbage. Especially somewhere like Facebook, where people haven’t really been curating their feed for years, just… following whoever to be polite and letting the algorithm take care of it.

  • Hazzard@lemm.eetocats@lemmy.worldRespect
    1 year ago

    Is this whole comment section really about one comment from six years ago, where all he stated is that he’s grateful his wife wasn’t aborted (I’m assuming that was considered)?

    Because I find it hard to take that as all that damming. From the tone of the conversation here, I was expecting several comments over the years stating extremes like that abortion should be illegal, or that rape victims should be denied access to it.

    Do we even know that he knew about any of this scandal with March for Life in 2017? Especially if he’s not supported it since (which I assume this article would bother to include if he had?)

  • TL;DR: People like searching for answers to their question from Reddit, since it’s got upvotes and a lot of subreddit answers to niche opinion questions. Reddit is one of the most popular search keywords, and is unreliable right now.

    Also recaps several other recent Reddit headlines, which I’m sure you’ve seen if you’re hanging out in this subreddit.

  • Don’t love the framing of this paragraph from TechCrunch. It’s not that they’re charging for the API. That’s understandable and obvious, and we all wanted the platform to survive. I’ll be happy to volunteer to contribute to lemmy development/server costs/app development one day. It’s that they’re grossly overcharging for the API to such an extreme degree that paid subscriptions to third party apps actually lose money.

    In April, Reddit announced its plans to start charging developers to access data through its API. The move was obvious — to restrict third parties from accessing Reddit data that can help build text-generating machine learning models such as OpenAI’s GPT 4. Developers building apps and bots to assist people using Reddit and researchers who wish to study the platform for noncommercial purchases were among the few exceptions. However, as a result, third-party apps, including popular Reddit client Apollo, found it difficult to pay for those charges and decided to go offline. Various popular subreddit moderators came in support of those apps and developers and started protesting against the API pricing move.

  • Oof, so counterproductive. I’m a hard reviewer, always try to hold others to the standard of code I’d like to work in, and be held to myself, but every once in a while I see a PR that’s just… no changes required.

    I love just hitting accept without making any feedback, it means my coworker valued my feedback and actually internalized it. Trying to laser in and nitpick something unnecessary would be a waste of all our time.

  • Personally, I’m subscribing to the belief that the fediverse’s attribute of “true censorship is impossible” is a benefit, not a curse. Every prior example of censorship has just morphed into “advertiser palatable”. Which is bad for everyone.

    More than happy to have access to instances that will take the kind of drastic action you’re suggesting, access to my own “block” function, etc. Let them come.

    The fediverse will inevitably host some messed up stuff. Counting it a blessing that those people have a clear place to go to and sequester themselves off.

    So ultimately? More than happy to have an instance that agrees with this extreme anti-censorship posture. Sh.itjustworks is fine in my books. I can block the community, just like I could block subreddits on Reddit without abandoning the whole platform. Hell, even write a script to block everyone who’s subscribed to the community. The power is yours now, and nobody can take that away. That’s the fediverse.

  • I used an extension a while ago that changed CSS colour values (#ababab) into little coloured dots, that became a colour picker when clicking on them (while still letting you input RGB or Hex, ofc), and it was pretty awesome!

    So, I could unironically see this being really nice. Although… I think this would need a pretty narrow context, something like if x == true would look pretty confusing as a toggle, I imagine. But assigning x = true? Bring it on.