It’s so easy for the propagandists to convince western racists that DPRK is backwards and underdeveloped.
This you?
It’s so easy for the propagandists to convince western racists that DPRK is backwards and underdeveloped.
This you?
Pretty sure they say wally in England/Australia.
That or I’m an idiot, that could be it too
… I would like to hear more about this secret name…
Wow, that is an insanely obtuse interpretation of what I said.
Of course there are always civilian casualties In war. Of course that is why war crimes exist in the first place.
“Massive” literally means “Large in comparison to what is typical”. So when I say massive civilian cassualties forgive me for assuming you’d understand I was using that word for it’s intended purpose.
Bombing a hospital full of civilians is absolutely a war crime.
What argument are you making here? Your first paragraph implies you believe that Isreal is justified in it’s approach based on the US’s failed conflicts with Guerilla warfare. But then your second paragraph implies that Isreal is not justified for exactly that reason, which is like… Yeah… That’s correct lol.
I feel like it shouldn’t be a controversial opinion to say that if you are unable to conduct a war without massive civilian casualties then you shouldn’t be conducting that war. If you do anyway you are, at the very best, a war criminal.
Could you cite that law for me? Because last I checked there is no such law forcing Isreal to shoot back, school or otherwise.
Intentionally bombing civilians is a war crime. I don’t care how many of your “intended targets” you think you’re getting. If you are bombing civilian centers, like, oh let’s say a hospital for instance, then you are a war criminal, Full stop. There is nothing forcing Isreal to do that.
I mean yeah but the point is that technological advancement was still a common occurance. Like, yeah a sensationalized article about self driving cars would blow some minds but to most i think it wouldn’t really make any bigger waves then basic cars already were at the time. How can they be blown away by the concept of self driving when the vehicle itself is so new and interesting you know? AI is so abstract that even today most people don’t understand it, 100 years ago it’d just be “another new thing” just like it is today… We are actually less accustomed to ground shaking new inventions so I’d argue that 100 years ago a lot of our modern tech would be less exciting given the regularity in which things were changing then.
Social upheaval however is ALWAYS a huge deal, especially for the time. Bear in mind that Progressivism is a fairly new ideology in the States. For literally hundreds of years social change came at a snails pace and took serious, concerted effort. Nowadays we are on average much more open to change and accepting of diversity in all it’s forms, but there’s a reason everyone remembers the name Martin Luther King Jr., versus… Ruth Bader Ginsburg I guess?
Which ones cyborg
I have this exact same thing! My dentist reccomended it to me because I drink way too much coffee, which apparently causes like yellow orange film to form on your tongue
I’m not denying it’s impact on modern gaming, I’m just saying it’s old. Like it certainly deserves a spot in the gaming hall of fame but it doesn’t really stack up against more modern RPGs. Technology is moving forward and so should games, yet Bethesda is so stuck on Skyrim they have refused to innovate for a comically long time
I mean I’m gonna have to agree with the guy though. Skyrim was all but earth shattering… In 2011. Have you tried playing it recently? It feels old and repetitive. There is obviously still some fun to be had and some memorable bits but on the whole it’s just outdated plain and simple.
I think the vast majority of enjoyment people derive from it is nostalgia driven which I can totally respect, but that only lasts for like 4-5 hours once a year tops. I feel like a new player who never touched it in the golden years would likely get bored fast
just to make one of the powers you get later seem more useful
I want moder power to be useful so fucking bad dude. Last time I played I tried living on a little island that I terraformed into a small fort that rises out of the water, my only way to come or go with ore was by boat and I STILL never used it.
Despite being in literally the most optimal use case for having it that power just feels so lack luster. It would be wayyyyy better if it was just like a passive effect that made RNG better or half cool down or something. As it is I’d rather just use bonemass or Deer since they are more universally applicable
To be fair “neoliberalim” is a really misleading name. It does basically just mean “proto-conservative” which can be really confusing if you don’t already know what you’re talking about
I feel like"lean" is a little too generous. They are aggressively right. 99% of their content is just mocking LGBT, leftists, or younger generation ideologies
This is where we start getting into the realm of philosophy as it relates to science fiction esq “true” Artificial Intelligence.
Taking the post at face value these AI persons that populate your individual pocket dimension would be, for all intents and purposes, sentient artificial minds, or at least controlled by 1 central mind.
So does that AI deserve human rights? Do laws apply to the and interaction had with them? If all they know is humanity then are they also “human”? Is this theoretically infinitely intelligent super computer even capable of truly understanding humanity, emotions, life in all of its facets?
I fully accept that I am getting too deep into this funny internet post but there have been hundreds upon thousands of books, thought experiments, and debates over this EXACT premise. Short answer is there is no answer. It’s Schrodinger’s morality lol
Samurai kinda always bangs though.
In the early years of their existence they were just mercenaries, but they had horses (expensive) and were pretty much only hired by nobility (decent accommodations)
By the end they were automatically nobility themselves, even to this day if you were still a “samurai” you’d either be a descendent of a wealthy family or a famous figure for 1 reason or another. Not a bad life
When a smaller community comes together to make something uncomplicated and sincere it’s really really cool.
But everything bigger than 50x50 is all but guaranteed to be bots. Place stopped being fun halfway through last year honestly
deleted by creator
Oh shit, there’s a working open source switch emulator out there? Thanks Nintendo!
Aaaaaaaand downloaded the source code, Windows Installer, and Linux installer. Thanks again Nintendo, I really can’t express how thankful I am you brought attention to this!