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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Ah yes, me, the demigod who can act up on all my worries. Tell me again my plan to get trump to fuck off the 2024 election?

    Not to be too sarcastic at you, it’s a good sentiment that I do sort of agree with, but it places too much “you can do anything” blame on the observer who literally is already worried. Aka, this runs a major risk of demotivating people straight into doomerism when they’re faced with worries there’s really nothing that they individually can do about.

    Unless I’m wrong and there is some legitimate answer to that sarcastic opening question that I, individually, can do about it, in which case, I’m all ears lol

  • That’s fair. Part of my job is converting non-technical users into technical users by teaching them things like problem solving approaches that are supposed to help them teach themselves how to learn whatever they need to actually do their job. I don’t teach them what to do, I teach them how to learn what to do.

    I agree that you gotta meet people where they’re at, but I try to teach them how to poke around any code repo site, like GitHub or gitlab, so they can use it. Usually I point them to the docs and start by pointing out my favorite parts so that they have somewhere to kind of start by themselves, but it is a skill set that can be practice, or at least I am convinced it is.

    I’m not very good at this part of my job, but also, no one is, so it’s not a bad thing, I just want to do better. I guess I never thought of it from a truly non-technical and not wanting to be technical perspective before. This could be solved by a secondary interface designed specifically for this kind of user. It would not allow code download or interaction, but it would allow for issue logging. I might put this idea in my ever growing project list because it sounds like it would be a useful product…

  • I’m interested in where the limits to expectations lie here. I’m not trying to be a jerk when I say this next part but I do worry I may come off that way but I’m trying to figure out the boundaries of what a “reasonable” expectation is so I can make tasks like this easier for my own team (completely unrelated to this project but it’s essentially the same problem).

    Is it not reasonable to expect people to type into a search engine something like “GitHub help” and then poke around in the links that come up?

    … Well I’ll be damned, I tried my own method before commenting, and the first link that comes up is a red herring, how obnoxious. I was hoping it’d be a link to the docs, not GitHub support. I guess I just answered my own question: no that is not reasonable.

    As a technical user, I am still at a loss for how to help a non-technical user in an algorithmic way that will work for most non-technical users x.x guess I’ll be thinking about this problem some more lol

    (I guess I’m rambling but I’m gonna post this anyways in case anyone wants to chatter about it with me)

  • Ah I get that, like the frustration of a sociological paper pointing out a societal issue but offering no steps on how to solve it due to fixes being out of scope (utterly infuriating lol).

    I still think the criticism is valid, but I do think I agree in that the criticism could be more constructive… But I still think laying the foundation of the argument, so to speak, is still constructive even though it may not go as far as one may need for it to cross the threshold back into polite…

    I am still convinced this is a knee jerk feeling issue more than anything truly being amiss, but I have been wrong before. What do you think?

    I agree it probably is a definitions thing, I’m very pedantic sometimes and it feels like my definition of constructive is much more optimistic/wider/encompassing than yours. That doesn’t mean that my definition is right or that your position is wrong though, that’s just what I think is going on here.

  • The first step to correction is understanding there is a problem in the first place. This is quite constructive, it may just not feel like it is because it’s framed combatively.

    You’re doing it wrong is the phrase that lets teachers teach at one of the most basic levels.

    The public is essentially a self teaching teacher, so this is just the process of public correction happening. It may look/feel like public shaming, and it may be if they’re going too far, but that is the mechanism that I think is playing out here.

    Does that framing make it any more palatable to you or does it still seem unnecessarily disrespectful?

  • Tbh at this point I’m convinced articles like this are just life support trying to claw back as many Musk dick riders back into normies.

    It’s good work, and I think it should be done, but yeah, this is exactly what a sane person would expect to see given all the context.

    It’s not news to most, but to the audience that I think this sort of thing is going after, it genuinely might be news to them.

    Not that this article alone would get anyone to drop their fanboy bs, but it seems like it’s intended to be a tool to facilitate that. As for why it’s here specifically in world news, probably in case anyone wants to use it as a facilitation tool for anyone in their lives. Can’t use what you don’t know exists and all that lol

  • Ah I think either I missed your point completely or you missed my point a bit.

    Buzzwords are the entire vector used in delivering the message.

    My question boils down to: Why use inefficient propaganda? Just because an old book used a particular phrase?

    Memes are propaganda, and all I’m trying to say is that this could be done a very tiny bit better.

    Giving up on the languages used is essentially giving up on the people who you want on your side… Isn’t it?

    As for your last point, I appear to be a dingus! Lol, what do you mean by “solidarity should only be for your economics class”?

    Does the truth of a matter hold no value unless it gets shit done? Like, is your angle that it doesn’t matter whether the feeling is real or not, so long as it’s not productive to “our” (but who is we/our/etc all that pedantic bs etc etc) goals, it’s justified in being called false? And if that is your position, does that not alienate people who have particularly strict measures for what constitutes something as true vs false/how would that be justified? (Then again, if I’ve mistaken what you meant by that line, this entire bit will probably make no sense, so if it seems like I’m way off base, please feel absolutely free to just ignore this whole section lol I like talking but not fighting, but I worry I may not come off that way here… So apologies in advance if that is the case)

  • (before I begin my ramble, I understand this is pedantic as hell and nitpicky af. Please know that I’m not calling this meme bad, I’m only looking for someone who is willing to be pedantic about definitions with me for a few rounds or so.)

    What exactly does “false solidarity” mean? What exactly is this particular understanding of solidarity either? To my knowledge (aka, I googled it to ensure my vibe check of what solidarity meant was about right), solidarity is something you feel and are essentially motivated to solidarity actions by. To feel it is to experience it, which means, by my understanding of what solidarity is, the term “false solidarity” seems nonsensical.

    Like I know what you’re saying, I agree, the effect is that the worker works against his own interest for the betterment of the upper classes, but this phrasing seems… I don’t know exactly how to put it, but like inexact in a way that can probably be and should probably be fixed.

    I would just call it poisonous solidarity (intentionally avoiding virus/illness words though) or something that simultaneously implies that it’s externally put there by an external actor, it’s bad for you, it can hurt things and people around you, but it still is legitimate solidarity. Those actions those workers are taking, those votes that they’re casting, those are all real actions caused by real feelings. Implying the feelings themselves are false seems to me to be lazy and irrational at this point… If this were the late 1800s, that probably would be the best phrasing we had for this at the time, but language evolves and I don’t think this language is illustrative/metaphorical enough to accurately portray the mechanics that our current culture allows us to portray about subjects like this.

    But again, I’m not the arbiter of what’s true, correct, or what actually should happen, so what do you people think?

  • Ah yeah, that would be a worry, except I forgot to mention that most of the code I work on usually gets thrown away after like 6 months. Makes tech debt not have nearly as big of an impact on me.

    We do have a longer lasting code base that the little widgets I make run off of. That has a much more strict requirements to ensure tech debt is not introduced specifically so we don’t end up in that sort of a position.

    That said, and yet we couldn’t even keep it out of our own code base. So yeah, I think my original comment is just wrong because I forgot all the ways tech debt actually has effected me in the past and how my industry’s project cycle is so short term that i rarely have the opportunity to run into tech debt that I caused in a problematic way…

  • Fair point, I work in a consumer facing, fast turn around, short lived code project industry. Not a typical software project with long life cycles.

    These practices would almost certainly bite my company in the ass if we had to maintain anything for longer than year.

    Occasionally, we do have to support a client for multiple years, and everytime it’s a hilarious shit show trying to figure out how to keep all the project dependencies up to date. This is likely platform tech debt, and would be the beginning of the problem if we didn’t have the privilege of being able to start over from scratch code-wise for each client’s new order.

    I guess I’m just in a lucky spot in the programmer pool where tech debt literally doesn’t hit me as hard as it usually does others, and I just couldn’t identify that before now lol

    Instead of saying tech debt isn’t that bad, my tune will change to something else. Like I said, I was on a team at one point that had a worse than usual tech debt problem, and it was unworkably stressful to deal with. Im guessing that experience is more typical of being near tech debt than my other experiences.

  • Rarely have I ever actually had consequences for my sins, which tends to be why I don’t go back and fix them…

    If tech debt weight is felt in any way, it tends to get fixed. If it’s not felt, it’s just incredibly easy to forget and disregard.

    (This is mostly me not learning my lesson well enough from my time being on Tech Debt: The Team. I do try and figure out the correct way to do things, but at the end of the day, I get paid to do what the boss wants as cheaply as possible, not what’s right :/ money dgaf about best practices until someone gets sued for malpractice, but on that logic, maybe the tech debt piper just hasn’t returned for payment from me yet… Only time will tell)

  • Yeah, it works really well for me, but I also have taken it since I was young whenever I needed/wanted it, so it might just work well for me. I’d recommend starting with like a 5mg, give it an hour to work, then if you still don’t feel tired, I’d take another one.

    Worst case you’ll still have to deal with the shitty situation with a slight melatonin hangover (I warn you in advance that it can happen, but it usually only happens if you take too much and it can’t metabolize before you wake up. You’re just very sleepy until it’s done)

    Best case, you end up going to bed earlier than normal and you feel fine in the morning.

    Good luck!