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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023

  • In VSCode the best answer by far is Pylance, which uses Pyright under the hood for type analysis.

    Unfortunately while Pyright is open source, Pylance isn’t (part of Microsoft’s strategy to maintain control over VSCode), so you can’t use it in Emacs.

    Still, I would give the Pyright LSP server a try. I haven’t used it but I would guess it will give you type error squiggles but maybe not code completion / go-to-definition.

    Ruff is really a different thing - it is a linter like Pylint, so it only gives you some hints and fixits. You can maybe install it in addition to Pyright if you can be bothered.

    Btw Pyright is far superior to Mypy - even with --strict. I would ditch Mypy asap.

  • valid criticism of his own defense

    To be clear that post makes a valid point (don’t defend people just because they seem nice or dedicated or whatever), but it isn’t a valid criticism of Chris’s post because he didn’t do that.

    He did say Tim is nice and dedicated etc. etc. but he also went through the specific crimes that Tim was supposed to have committed and refuted them.

    I read a load of Tim’s comments and this was definitely a case of the CoC people getting annoyed with someone who disagreed with them and wouldn’t give up. There wasn’t anything remotely ban-worthy.

  • they wouldn’t have made a different tool altogether if it was really a 1:1 replacement

    Why not? It’s 10x faster.

    I think it might have some other new features but you don’t need to use those.

    i doubt one person on the team could be using uv while everyone else sticks to pip

    This is exactly what we do at work. There’s no way I could convince everyone to switch to uv so I just switch between them based on an environment variable.

    It even supports random stuff like pip install --config-settings editable_mode=compat --editable foo which is required for static tooling to work (e.g. Pyright).

  • uv is fantastic. I would highly recommend it. I’ve used it in a quite complex environment, with no issues (quite an achievement!) and it’s about 10x faster than pip.

    I mean… I guess it’s not surprising given uv is written in Rust and pip is written in Python, but even so given pip is surely IO bound I was expecting something like 4x improvement. 10x is impressive.

  • You seem to be giving a lot more leeway to interpretations of Peters’ words than my comparison. Odd.

    It doesn’t require any leeway. It’s a totally mainstream opinion supported by actual research. It’s only in woke CoC teams that comments like that are objectionable.

    he’s also dismissing that it’s worthwhile to try and have an environment free from sexual harassment.

    Complete misunderstanding of his comment. Read it again.

    Gracefully accepting constructive criticism.

    Lol the irony is overpowering.

  • If you “made light of sexual harassment training” at your job like this you would be fired?

    And I lost count of how many times an executive at a startup I’ve worked for was charged with sexual harassment. The outcome was always the same: nothing actually happened to them, but the entire company was sentenced to days of “sexual harassment prevention” training, as part of the deal the bigwig cut to get off easy. By now I must be one of the most highly trained people on Earth in that specialty :wink:.

    Jesus you should leave now! That’s not ok. (At least in countries with proper labour laws; I guess in America they can fire you for anything.)

    I mean I wouldn’t advise writing that on your company Slack, but nowhere I have ever worked would fire you for it.

    In any case the Python community isn’t a company & as far as I understand it Peters isn’t getting paid.