Going to assume this is propaganda unless it gets picked up by more respected outlets. Both media bias fact check and Wikipedia consider them unreliable.
Going to assume this is propaganda unless it gets picked up by more respected outlets. Both media bias fact check and Wikipedia consider them unreliable.
To add, our two major parties tend to adopt (to varying degrees of commitment) popular movements so they’re effectively already coalitions.
For example, Republicans tend to have Christian evangelicals and business interests.
+1 hosting email sucks.
Just to cover the obvious:
It has to be in the same subnet as your router.
Yeah but have you seen what the masses choose sometimes?
Let’s Encrypt is just as secure as paid certs. They’re held to the same security standard.
Yes, they are.
I believe this replaces esync and fsync. IIRC it’s slightly faster and has the benefit of being mainlined.
Lemme give a preview of the result:
Israeli estimate: 3000
Hamas estimate: 300000
The House should be about to pass laws that curtail the rights of the executive branch. This is a key part of the system of checks and balances.
Disabling JavaScript fixes 95% of these issues too.
It’s telling that they’ve got their reputation at the point where any time there’s a problem with an air plane people assume it was them.
Ceph is a huge amount of overhead, both engineering and compute resources, for this usecase.
More work than it’s worth to me unfortunately
How can I get in on shorting reddit?
This would be a mixed bag because it could open the door on more conventional wars since it would left the threat of MAD.
Oh, so literal propaganda this time? “State-owned news agency”