I transcribe posts over on c/microblogmemes along with whatever else i feel like transcribing

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • Really obese cats can’t groom themselves well enough, so they get really bad fur mats

    Our households cat is a healthy weight yet he still gets severe matting. He has to be shaved every couple years otherwise the matts will hurt him. Brushing doesn’t seem to help. He has a weird, almost silky feeling fur.

  • I think a big issue with lots of vegans is that they don’t know how capitalism works. People think that capitalism is just supply and demand, so if people don’t buy dairy or meat less animals will be slaughtered. But that just isn’t how it works. They can just raise the demand by making Got Milk campaigns and lobbying the government. Not buying a steak at the grocery store is not going to change the behavior of a multi-million dollar company even if hundreds of people go vegan.