Why should it be allowed to see the wifi SSID etc.?
Why should it be allowed to see the wifi SSID etc.?
Why would you put it in "? Do you think those are not going to be really and/or multiple?
We are talking about a monthly average upload of something like 100 Mbit/s, which of worth about constantly streaming 2 movies at 50 G. The peaks during prime time are multiples of that, realistically exceeding 1 GB/s, since most people stream evening/night. Then he would need to be streaming tons of movies, making him a prime target for a big lawsuit. Instead, if he just downloads and seeds some files, you get a near constant throughput. Linux, Tor node, or some mixture of all of that. But not a streaming service for a dozens of people.
Downloading tons of content. Seems more likely than being a central streaming hub for tons of people for multiple reasons.
So how much traffic do you generate?
40 TiB per month are 1.3 TiB daily. Even at 10 GiB per movie that’s 100 movies every single day. I doubt that is the reason.
So you interpret it to be essentially the mildest thing possible, to only mean the end of that government or how they handle Gaza? What actions that Hamas did leads you to believe that is the case instead of any of the far more brutal interpretations? That would be in line with all of their actions in the last decades?
Pretty much, yes.
They had it in their constitution and you want to tell me that is just propaganda. Holy cow. Here you go, in case you actually care.
How many 100s of millions went into Gaza as aid every year? How much of that was actually funneled into other things? Also, aid to Gaza:
The United States has been a major donor, providing more than $5.2 billion through USAID since 1994.
Makes sense, doesn’t it? Who knows who will get to power next? And what they do with all the weapons? Better destroy them. That is essential best for everyone, including syrians that will not be killed with them in a potential civil war.
Same thing the other way around. Both sides hate each other.
Just have to love that you get downvoted for this. Delusional people here as if Hamas would not murder them all. What they had in their constitution does not matter, because they are ignorant.
Nothing they can do about it!
Why do people need to be so stupid…
A threat? How would that be? Not to mention that essentially nobody is like me, so others being different is the absolute norm, the opposite of hard to imagine.
I say that could be sad because not laughing is like nit eating tasty stuff. Not feeling nice things. A whole dimension of positive stuff simply missing. But specifically about the topic of feeling and lack of laughing is, more or less, sadness.
Let alone that you are actively against laughing of others, and that absolutely is sad to me.
The first time I thought you were joking, now I am not sure anymore if you could be a really sad person instead.
Another OP with some pixelated shait.
Seeing that Trump was voted and looking at the utter bullshit that came put of his holes… What makes you think that anything they said was the reason?
I know the movie and the character, but did not recognize it.