Droplet [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024

  • Here’s how Biden can still win:

    1. Rig the election blatantly and without regards for optics, cling on to the throne by any means necessary.
    2. Start a 9/11-level incident, preferably an international incident far from home, like exploding a tactical nuke or a dirty bomb and blame it on Russia or someone. Use the international incident as a national security threat to push endless fearmongering into the public consciousness: “Do you want Donald Trump to protect you when America is under attack? Trump wants to let Putin nuke the whole world!”
    3. Pull a Chen Shui-bian, preferably a deranged MAGA gun nut who hates the “Biden crime family”, use the incident and sympathy to call upon the upstanding American citizens to “stop MAGA fascism from destroying our democracy and civil society”.

  • I’m pretty sure this is just a message to the Democratic bourgeois donors that “don’t worry, Project Ukraine is safe” given Hunter’s prominent role in Ukraine.

    People often think that when politicians release statements in the press, the messages are meant for them. But you would be mistaken, they are not talking to you, you are not that important, they are talking to the bourgeoisie, the only class that matters.

  • lol so the coup failed and some people are gonna be hanged.

    Or you can read it as a Biden’s “chess move” which I proposed the other day (let me indulge in this one ok):

    Zhou Baideng: Listen Jack, I’m gonna let a hundred flowers BLOOOMMM. I’m gonna see been who’s been standing in our way and I’m gonna weed them out.

    Project Ukraine is far too important for the Democratic donor class and those who have recently been calling for it to be ramped down had to be purged.

  • Until I see a left wing party or organization that is serious about taking power, there is nothing to be done.

    There is no organized Left in the US, these are not serious people. They only want some marginal improvements for the workers, a more humane version of capitalism, not seriously planning and strategizing about taking power.

    Look at Lenin and Mao, even at their worst moments when the movements had been reduced to mere thousands under endless persecutions, they were already plotting for the end game.

    EDIT: I noticed I might have been too harsh since we have some comrades here who are involved in organizational work. You all are doing the best you can, but it doesn’t change the fact that the current structure of left wing organizations do not threaten capital, and do not demonstrate a viable strategy towards taking power.

  • In 2004, former Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian who was losing in the polls had an assassination attempt on him, took a bullet to the stomach and it was enough to carry him over the finish line.

    It has been widely speculated that the assassination attempt was a false flag planned to garner sympathy. The Bidens could think about something similar along the line before the November election.

    So MAGA gun nut, national sensation, we must defend our democracy against Trump and his deranged supporters.

  • He’s not going away. You have to think of it as a criminal organization. Biden is not just some figurehead, the Biden family is a brand with its complex network of political and business elites. Even Obama who has retired cannot escape from it, he is still owned by the Wall St elites who now demand that he makes phone calls to his connections and tells them to toe the line.

    The primary which never really happened except with a few fringe candidates is a process that allows the brokering and bargaining of these money connections with the presidential nominee. Now it is too late, nobody else except for Hillary Clinton has the political ties deep enough that could match Biden’s, but it is unlikely that the Clintons today have nearly as much political capital as Biden, because of Ukraine.

    The fact is that way too much interests have been tied into the Biden presidency, especially with Ukraine being his “masterpiece” involving hundreds of billions of dollars, a lot of people are going to lose their money if the tap is suddenly turned off. They have spent a lot of fortune on “donations” to get their premium seats and access to the tap, and they’re going to be really pissed if they lose the treats they were promised.

    The problem of the bourgeoisie with Biden is his senility, but at the end of the day, losing the election is nowhere near as important as maintaining this delicate balance of interests of the political and business elites that own the Democratic Party.

    So, the debate will be memory-holed and everyone will just pretend like nothing bad has happened by July 4th. The dissenters (if they were stupid enough to make the noise) would be purged from the power center. Meanwhile, the political machinations of the country will work behind the scene to ensure that Biden gets elected on November.

  • It is not so simple….

    The 5% interest rate actually resulted in huge interest income payment (est. $0.8-1T in 2023), and although much of the money went to the rich, clearly the money had been spent as well as consumption index did not continued to rise.

    The problem? The US federal budget deficit was $1.7T last year, which means that nearly 50% of its deficit spending in 2023 was sustained by the interest payment from high interest rates. This means that if the US starts cutting rate, it’s going to end up with less income payment, less deficit, less money for consumption, and driving the economy into recession.

    There is no easy way out. The monetary policy is in a quandary that has no solution. Keeping the rates high is a ticking time bomb for a financial crash (we don’t know when though, but the risk persists), but lowering the rates without also compensating for an increase in deficit spending through other means will also drive the economy into recession.

    There is also another dimension that a lot of these analyses don’t take into account, which is the impact of high Fed rates on the rest of the world. The number of Global South countries under severe economic distress has gone way up since the US hikes its interest rates, compounded by Covid disruption immediately prior. Many countries are running out of dollars and they are looking for a way out, but since there hasn’t been any alternative (there is nothing coming out of the BRICS+ front), everyone still has to earn dollars to dig a way out.

    So they will keep exporting to the US, as cheaply as possible, in hopes of surviving the next wave of economic hardship. In effect, the US gets to export its inflation to the rest of the world. And the prices are not really coming down domestically because of energy prices and monopolists wanting to rake in more profit by keeping their prices inflated.

  • Hexbears please tell me which of the following scenarios is more likely:

    The President - also the High Priest of the Neoliberal sect - has been subjected to an occult ritual to become the Vessel for the Dark God of Capital, which takes an unknown form residing within the flesh of the President. In the evening, the entity leaves the flesh and returns to its Temple, as it finds the frail body of the President a harsh condition for long-term habitation.

    The President is senile.

  • As others have said, there is no such thing as a comprehensive nuclear defense system. Everyone is vulnerable.

    The real question is how would the opposite side react? The MAD deterrence has never been broken. This is truly uncharted territory.

    Let’s say the US (through the Ukrainian Armed Forces) uses a low yield nuke on a village in Russia-occupied Ukraine. 10 people are killed. How would Russia respond? Unload the rest of its nuclear arsenals against American cities? Retaliate against an American village? How would things escalate from there? I don’t think anybody can predict what would happen, which is what makes the entire scenario so scary.

    But one thing for sure is that the world is going to change overnight. Its significance would likely exceed 9/11, when everyone would be so shocked that they could still recall what they were doing at the very moment the news came on even decades later.