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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 21st, 2023

  • Axolotling misunderstood me because they made a mistake. There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes, they don’t make you any worse as a person. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes mistakes can lead to hurt feelings, but knowing about them is necessary to solve problems. Axolotling told me that they were having trouble understanding me because I didn’t explain things fully, and they asked me to be more thorough in my explanations.

    Do you think nice behaviour is helping people who ask for help in the way they ask for help, changing my behaviour when they ask me to, and being honest and gentle with them about how they can accomplish the goals they want to accomplish? Or do you think nice behaviour is ignoring people who ask for help, refusing to change my behaviour when others ask me to change it, and ignoring problems that other people want solved?

    I will follow the rules either way. If you tell me not to tell people they’ve made mistakes, I’ll listen to you. If someone asks for help understanding me again, I’ll explain to them why I can’t help, provided I have your agreement that this is what you want me to do.

  • Every politician and military leader worth their salt knows that oppression creates terrorism. The way Israel has been treating Palestine made Hamas inevitable, and everyone making decisions in Israel had to have known it. So why intentionally create terrorists? Because theoretically, the existence of terrorists justifies violence. Hamas was created by Israel with the intention of accelerating the genocide under a sympathetic justification.

    Hamas is a Frankenstein’s monster. A creation, deliberately made, which grew out of its creator’s control. Hamas’ cause is more sympathetic than Israel bargained for, because at the end of the day all that rage and violence is motivated by a desire not to be oppressed. And just like in the original Frankenstein, all the creator needs to defeat the monster is a little bit of love. If Israel passed laws guaranteeing the equality of Palestinian citizens, Hamas would have no new recruits and no international support. Its legitimacy and power would evaporate in a day. Israel continues the “war” because it believes it can still control the monster. That it can still use Hamas to justify further violence.

  • But just because I feel frustrated that someone does not see things exactly the same way I do, does not mean that I can automatically assume that they’re wrong and evil and it’s okay to be mean to them.

    Why would you think that I see evil in anyone else when you know that I don’t like using intents in discussions? That’s a contradiction.

    This is what I’m talking about. You’re using intents and you think I think you’re evil. But it doesn’t make sense given the very conversation we’re having. I don’t think you know how to have a conversation without assuming you know everyone else’s perception of everyone else’s intents.

    Using your empathy to deduce the conclusions of someone else’s cognitive empathy is an advanced technique. You’re going straight to the most complicated thing empathy is capable of, and you’re making mistakes. You need to slow down. I’m difficult to empathise with, so you need to stop pushing yourself to use the most advanced techniques on me, you need to be patient and use some simpler techniques, and you need to learn how to have a conversation without relying on your empathy as a crutch.

    I know you discussed a lot of other points in your comment, but I’m not going to talk about them right now. Because you and I both agree that I’ve been going too fast for you. We both need to take our time and make sure you understand what I’m saying in its entirety, and that means not getting distracted. We’re going to slowly discuss the empathy issue until you fully understand what I’m talking about. And I have a lot more to say on the empathy topic, but first I need to understand that you understand that I’m saying you need to slow down. You’re trying to use too much empathy and it’s not working. Your empathy is telling you untrue things about me, because you’re expecting it to perform miracles for you.

  • A comparison would be impossible, because there are no standard practices for gender affirmation psychological therapy. Magick wins by virtue of the fact that therapy is not participating. This is like asking whether there’s any research papers demonstrating that an eagle can fly faster than a dog. Dogs can’t fly. You don’t need to be told that eagles fly better than dogs, it’s obvious. Likewise, there is no scientific merit in conducting an investigation on whether gender affirmation magick (which exists) is better than gender affirmation psychotherapy (which doesn’t exist).

  • Oh, so some pirates pirate unpopular games, and that means they give some word of mouth away. Okay.

    Giveaways are less useful than piracy because giveaways don’t make people feel like they owe the developers anything. Lots of people pirate and then buy. There are numerous psychological dimensions to the issue involving class, politics, guilt, and gratitude. Also the fact that people are more attached to something they worked for, and piracy is, no matter how easy, still work. And that pirates tend to be more avid gamers and forum posters. Pirates are better to have than free players.