Sour Sweet - Dude playing DayZ but edits the content to make it tell a story instead of the gameplay.
Sour Sweet - Dude playing DayZ but edits the content to make it tell a story instead of the gameplay.
That’s the thing I hate: the word AI is being misused. It’s not a buzzword, at least it wasn’t supposed to be. It’s artifical intelligence, not in the sense of having a brain but in the sense of being an intelligent algorithm solving an issue. The path finder algorithm A* (A Star) is in this group. Machine learning is a sub category of AI, nothing less.
Assholes love to project their idiocy on others to blame them for being assholes. Tale old as time.
Adding Wikipedia page links would make this bot much more useful for those that need this information 🤔
I’m honestly dumbfounded how that can happen in the US. Here in Germany power outages are rare, maybe a few minutes in 8 years.
I really don’t get how something so important is left so broken in the biggest economy on earth.
I’m not trying to be mean.
KDE is still working great on X11, which is the standard for most users anyway.
It’s not like Musk gives a single fuck about other people.