In N Out
Developer for 30+ years, father of four.
In N Out
Wait until you see what I do in a NASCAR race.
For the day? I guess it depends on how technical you want to get about what a screen is. I’ve read on a Kindle for 5 hours today, as I want to re-read this book series before the next book comes out next week. I was also flying in flight simulator at the same time, but that was 80% autopilot.
That’s far too retro. No one else will get the joke.
Hmmm, it seems that trolls have invaded AskLemmy.
Ok, I’m all in favor of some rather radical questions on here, but come on.
Thank you for using clear language with proper spelling and grammar. It is a rare thing to see these days.
This sounds like an apology video written by an AI and thus I am not sure if you’re being sarcastic.
That’s super helpful information, thank you very much!
I’ve been thinking about a Henry, due to not just living the style but also reliability, ease of repair, availability of ammunition, stopping power. However I know practically jack shit about guns, so I would appreciate any advice as to whether any of that is true or practical.
What country was it? Are you still there?
I snort you. I snort you every day.
You do you, boo.
You got me there. Too many extra words.
Well that’s a bit personal but I was thinking 10cm.
It will, of course, have dickbutt.
Apparently their data is also Free. boo
Both of my parents, as I grew up in the 80s, were not religious. I did go to Sunday school at the behest of my grandparents who were all quite religious, but I never believed in any of the beliefs they were peddling. I can completely understand the need to believe in something, as the alternative is existential dread. As I wind down my life, heading to a void, I don’t find that discomforting. I don’t find all of history before I was born discomforting, so why would I find all of history after I die discomforting?