What does “within their bracket” mean?
Tell the story please
What did you change?
How did you get hotter?
So it is true that people have it easier with dating in their 30s then 😂
And there is not even honey in the moon to begin with 😰
Got in a relationship afterwards?
No wonder why cows are super heroes 😎
Just a heads up a child is not an object so you shouldn’t call them “it”, but “they”
That is young to lose both parents though
You can donate it to the communist party so they can re-purpose it to something useful for the revolution once you die?
Why no kids?
That is not the point. The point is that bourgeois can be communists.
But Engels was bourgeois and he was a communist
Even if that meant that you get tons of free time to dedicate to the communist party and organize?
Ooof, I am sorry that happened to you comrade. May I ask how old are you?
What is that?