CompactTie34 [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2020

  • Realized the other day that I’ve been subjected to years and years of propaganda about Russia

    Yup. While you are at it, make sure to read up on China, Cuba, Vietnam & DPRK. Misinformation about those countries is as strong as ever.

    Back to your question. How bad is Russia? That depends on how you define “bad” in this context. Russia is a liberal, capitalist state, with large social programs and safety nets. It is a presidential republic with your standard western representative democracy in place. Are any of those bad? From a western (neocon) standpoint there is nothing “bad” about it. All capitalist values and systems are working as intended within the country. There is the first main point about Russia that many people have a hard time understanding - Russia isn’t some cold dark place run by KGB-FSB agents. In my experience, life in Russia hardly differs from any other western nations (shocker i know, and my statement can be considered controversial).


    As much as I wish he was a secret undercover marxist, he is not. An argument can be made that he is a tool for the wealthy, but for normal citizens, he is a symbol and a guarantee of stability (when compared to the 90s, which was a complete shitshow). An important note to make on Putin is that he is almost entirely focused on inner politics. Russia’s involvement in world politics is highly overstated by the media.

    Lots of modern technology, but shitty and like 20 years behind

    What does that even mean lol? That’s a contradiction my man. Having retained and modernised soviet industry, and with investments from western international capital, the Russian economy produces nearly every possible item. Russia is severely behind on microelectronics. But, on the other hand, she has a strong IT industry with a homegrown search engine yandex (massive multibillion dollar corporation), social media (vk/odnoklassniki) etc etc. “20 years behind” is a generalising term which can severely impede any discussion about development.

    Not progressive in terms of LGBT or women’s rights.

    LGBT rights activists exist and are numerous in Russia, but sadly, conservative values are still present. The only law that is anti-lgbt is the notorious “Anti LGBT propaganda to children” law restricting activism. Women’s rights is a separate issue, as women were given equal rights after the revolution. However, how is it in reality? Depends. My mother says she was never restricted in any way, given maternal leave and so on. Russia gives out huge child subsidies to families. Currently it is something like 450 000 rubles (with an average wage of 45 000). Russia is a large, multi-ethnic country. Rights of women are likely far worse in Dagestan due to traditions and religion

    Definitely not a democracy and basically run by plutocrats

    Run by business. How is that different from say, the US / Europe?

    Anyhow sorry for lots of text. There is more to add but so little time. If I had to summarise: Life in Russia is extremely similar to that of the west, as in your standard capitalist country. The only difference, is wages are lower due to material conditions (only when counted in a dollar equivalent). Make sure to visit and see for yourself. It will be an eye opening experience.

    Source: Am ethnically Russian, visited in 2011, 2016, 2018 and have family there.