CloutAtlas [he/him]

  • 49 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2020


  • This… is not a well written article.

    Beijing’s new set of judicial guidelines targeting Taiwan independence advocates and dozens of Chinese planes entering Taiwan’s real estate come after a visit to Taipei last week by two US deputy assistant secretaries of state

    I get what you mean but why didn’t the editor catch this? This paper is a part of the billionaire owned Liberty Group, why don’t they have editors?

    Though there is a chance that the surfacing of a People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Type 094 Jin class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine last Tuesday in the Taiwan Strait is connected, that is only possible if Chinese intelligence had gotten wind of what was about to happen ahead of time, which is hard to prove. If they had, they could have meant it as a warning to the US.

    This is just straight up misleading. It’s referring to an event last week where a Chinese submarine surfaced in the Taiwan straight. Technically. 200 KM west of Taiwan, 10km off the short of Xiamen. I am not joking, they literally state “A surfaced submarine, which appears to be a nuclear-armed Jin-class submarine, is pictured about 200km from the western coast yesterday.” in the prior article I just linked. They then proceed to use a Reuters photo of TWO nuclear submarines (dated 2018) just to fearmonger some more.

    A huge non-event to get clicks from paranoid China watchers is getting milked a SECOND TIME.

    The amendments do not distinguish by nationality or geography, meaning anyone from any country could be tried in absentia in China.

    The amendments also do not distinguish by species. My god! Your pet dog could be extradited to China!

    According to human rights NGO Safeguard Defender,

    Oh boy, an NGO cited. Every time you dig into these you get some gold. Lets look into “Safeguard Defender”.

    Director: Peter Dahlin, a writer for the far right pro Trump anti vaxxer “newspaper” Epoch Times. Oh, that was easy. You’d think an editor would catch this. Back to it.

    I was asked once by some students from Hong Kong if I thought what happened to their city would be the model for the CCP if they took Taiwan. I said no, the model would be East Turkestan, what the Chinese have taken to calling Xinjiang, because Taiwan is not a compact, easily controlled space and Taiwanese historically have been rebellious

    The ROC called it that too. So did the Qing dynasty. Because it’s been the name of the region in Mandarin since the 1700’s. The sentence is omitting “…what the Chinese have taken to calling Xinjiang since 1759

    Also, historically rebellious is a dubious claim. Most of the population of the island were the Establishment, not the Rebels in the civil war since they were refugees. If the author was talking about Aboriginal Taiwanese who went from the majority ethnicity of the island to less than 2% of the population today, I guess they did try to rebel before getting gunned down.

    That the CCP put forth these amendments is no surprise, but that they picked last Friday to announce them was, as well as following them up with 48 hours of heightened incursions into the ADIZ. When the CCP is planning another dramatic change of the status quo, they go out of their way to also pick a date when it will send a message.

    If this was their message, why not do it around the May 20 inauguration? Or even the one-month anniversary on June 20? Why Friday, June 21? This was very out of character for the CCP to just pick a random day with no particular historical significance or political activity going on.

    This entire section is just padding for words. Dedicating 4 paragraphs to say absolutely nothing. “China normally does these military exercises near an event like Nancy Pelosi visiting, but this time nothing was happening, what are those inscrutable Chinese plotting?”

    The English-language headline from the same story reads: “US officials say UN Resolution 2758 twisted: sources.” This was picked up by a few local news outlets, but only in a surprisingly limited way.

    Ah ha! It’s because last Thursday, 2 US officials along with representatives of Taiwan’s 12 allies, and as well as those from other like-minded nations, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, the EU, Finland, France, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Poland and the UK.. Disregarding the fact that he copy and pasted the list verbatim from his colleague at the Taipei Times including the error of implying The Vatican sent a representative to Taiwan for a 1 day secret summit, as well as representatives of the nation of “the EU”. China is mad that this meeting that definitely happened (and also we are the only news to have reported on it in 3 days) so they had a submarine resurface 200km off the coast of Taiwan and fly planes in the ADIZ, which conveniently covers mainland China.

    Who’s the author for this article that would write like this? Let’s check the biography he wrote about himself Oh cool, he’s wearing a fedora and suspenders.

    “On turning 19 years old, I decided to take a semester off of university and visit Taiwan in 1988. I fell in love with the country, and that semester off has lasted most of my life… As a co-founder of Taiwan Report, in writing for various publications, in large Facebook groups I founded” He’s a college dropout who started a Youtube page that gets literally 2-3 digit views

  • Replying again, I don’t think a pizza should be a rich dish, and also the fewer the toppings the better.

    You just need dough, sauce, cheese, basil.

    Nothing to overpower the flavour of the bread, which is in and of itself an ingredient with its own texture and flavour, not simply a device to deliver toppings into your mouth. The sourdough, proven for a decade or more, taking on the smokiness of the wood burning in the oven as it cooks. The texture of being crisp on the outside but al dente in the middle, the unpredictable flames of the oven charring, but not outright burning certain spots of dough.

    Raw San Marzano plum tomatoes, pureed with olive oil, salt and a clove of garlic. No need to add sugar to overcome the taste of being packaged and canned, these are vine ripened. You can still taste the umami and acidity of the tomatoes, even as it cooks, slowly absorbing into the dough below.

    The fresh, mild buffalo mozzarella, free to melt without being coated in anti-caking agents pre-shredded cheese is caked in. Chunks, torn or sliced, placed sporadically on the pizza, not even trying to cover every square centimeter. Balancing out the acidity of the tomatoes

    Leaves of basil, placed on top, adding colour contrast and a subtle sweetness.

    You take a bite, and your worries for the day drift away. The bustle of the restaurant, of the alley, of the street, melt away into a murmur. This is good. Today is good. But a thought nags at you. Why is this not your default association with pizza? And why does that fact subconsciously make you sad?

    You come to the realization that once again, it has been the cold, bony fingers of capital. You’re sad because you realize it’s the same enshitification making everything worse today.

    The bread, expertly made with aged starters, chewy and firm in perfect amounts, cheapened to thin, unproven dough cut costs.

    The woodfire oven, scent of home and hearth, replaced with conveyor belts to increase output.

    The tomatoes, now canned and preserved, artificially sweetened to mask the taste of metal.

    The cheese, now mass produced and lacking age, requiring twice as much to get the same amount of flavour, turning a dish of very little oil to a greasy oily mess.

    This masterpiece of aroma, texture and flavour is now unhealthy, soulless and worse yet, bland. No wonder why people sought out more and more toppings. And then the arms race began of the most attention grabbing toppings to boost sales culminated in a tropical fruit being used as a topping. This became the tipping point. People subconsciously knew the idea was ridiculous, and yet they couldn’t articulate how or why. Is it because it’s a fruit? Well, tomato is already a fruit. Is it because it’s sweet? Well there are dessert pizzas. Is it because of the texture? Maybe, but that shouldn’t cause that visceral of a reaction.

    It’s because it’s strayed too far from what it’s meant to be. Whether or not it tastes good, at a certain point, is no longer relevant. It’s simply strayed too far from what it was.

    I’m not sure if sushi made with quinoa instead of rice and southern BBQ pulled pork for a filling would taste good or bad, probably good. But at that stage is it still sushi? How many ingredients can you add to a Caesar salad before it stops being a Caesar salad? To a grilled cheese? To an egg fried rice?